So Little Time So Much To Do

I filled another journal, in 27 days. It’s that Canson Blue Book I’ve been tweeting about. I’ve got a review coming on it but it won’t be posted here, it’ll be published someplace else. (hint hint) I burn through a small 3.5×5.5 journal every spring, and I don’t see this slowing down anytime soon. I’ve been crafting a class around my spring journaling style. An anything goes sort of class using a small inexpensive journal and everyday materials, a pen and something to add color. It doesn’t get much more simple than this method. The difference is the approach. I’m keeping much of that to myself, but suffice it to say there is a reason why I return to this journal burning method every spring.

In the stack of small journals that sit above my desk I shake the dust of winter out of my head, embrace the blossoms of spring and come up with some fantastic. My spring blaster journals are where I’ve had some of my best ideas and some of my worst. I can’t wait to bring the 2 classes I’m working on to

Part of my spring funk blaster is daily journal work. Not just making a pretty page, but real actual digging deep into my head- drawing, mind maps, lists of ideas, observations and the like. I purposefully stretch my mind in this journal. I enlist my creativity and get art centered.

It’s not a 5 minute a day kind of thing. It’s not even a 10 minute a day sort of thing. It's a mind kind of thing. I take this journal with me everywhere and I blast my way through it, spending every available moment working in it. That journal and a pen are ALWAYS in my pocket.

I’m very excited about this and the fountain pen class. The FP class is becoming a book with videos to further explain points. I have so much to do on it and so little time! I can’t wait to take my vacation so I can work on it for  full week with no interuptions!

(This guy was drawn in a 10 minute wait for the train.)