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I’m in the process of moving everything from typepad to WordPress. This has been a pretty easy transition, except for the images, which have been a bit of a pain in the arse.

I’m happy to report that WordPress has a few of the features I’ve been looking for in Typepad- first, I can use my browser’s spell check. Secondly, Android apps for photo sharing AND posting! I’m still able to use Disqus for comments (thought it lost a few of the more recent comments in the transfer.) Images are looking to be a problem. I might lose a great deal of them. I’ve got over 1600 posts, most WITH multiple hi-res images and, as of right now, all those images are linked to Typepad and didn’t import over.  So, I’m looking for a way to import all those images before I cancel my Typepad pro account. My blog will remain on Typepad’s mini format, but I’m unclear how that will look and work.  Right now Typepad mini looks like they have ripped off the code for Tumblr, so it might not work well.
