I’ve been working on a big order. 90 of my jotter notebooks for a wedding*. Luckily for me I managed to snag a massive stack of posters to recycle shortly before receiving the order. I got some good posters too, with interesting graphics.
I’ve been holding off on stitching up the second half of the books though because our dog, Ruby, HATES the sewing machine and I’ve been thinking that it might just be too traumatic for her to have the new dog and me sewing…
But I’ve been cutting and trimming like crazy the last few nights. I had stitched enough for 100 books. Thus far after trimming and cutting about 2/3rds of the stack I’ve only got 50 books. I’ve got a stack of 20 rejects- loose or bad stitching or bad cutting. I’ll be listing reject value packs on etsy when I’m all done with the order.
*I used to work in the flower business and no matter what I did I always ended up with wedding business. In flowers brides are often difficult and I always hated doing wedding flowers. The issue, I was really good at it and word got out around town that my prices were fair and that I did a great job. In the entire time of doing wedding flowers I had only 1 bride freak out, and it was determined by everyone involved that she and her crazy sister were looking for free flowers. That one instance sticks out in my mind and still bothers me. I’m so glad that I don’t work with flowers anymore. Not to mention that when you work with flowers you really ruin the romantic gestures of flowers for yourself. Getting flowers never seems to have that feeling it once did.