It's that Time of year again, Back-to-School. Sigh. Growing up I used to look forward to the start of school. I admit to being something of a geek and school was solace from a long hot summer of farm work which would hit it's apex with the hot slog of August's blueberry harvest. School with it's routine of math, reading and social studies was welcome. Of course at the start of September I was happy to be doing anything but harvest blueberries. As another summer passes without my application to grad school I reflect on the fact that my partner, C is headed back to start her second year of law school.
I reflect green with envy. Yes, I wish that we were able to afford the 2 of us to go to school at the same time. We made a decision 2 years ago that it made the most fiscal sense for me to continue working while she applied for grants and scholarships for law school. While money is certainly tight we both see the rewards not too far in the future. I'm both sad and excited that next summer she'll work for 3 months and possibly make as much as I do in a full year of work. It's exciting to know that your life will change for the better in a short time, but sad that it's so far off, and sad that I'll continue to make the same wage.
As we get ready for the start of school we both know that I'll be working 40+ hours a week and driving 10 hours. (My commute is 1 hour each way, longer on a bad day.) She'll be in class 2 days a week from 9am to 9pm and the other days she'll be studying and working. In short we'll fly by each other in the mornings and pass out next to each other until May. Because of this our lives need some preparation.
We do a few things like pre-pack single servings of chicken and beef in the freezer, keep the rice cooker out and buy more frozen veggies than usual. Its just not possible for the 2 of us to cook when we have as little time as we will during the semesters. This will allow us to cook fast food that is healthier than getting delivery. At the same time we're making lunches and taking them becuase it's #1 healthier and #2 cheaper.
I'm glad to say that after C finishes law school I'll be going back to school too, for what we're not sure but I've got 2 more years to figure that out.