when zombies attack
Originally uploaded by lessherger
This image was created by putting downa layer of gesso, pasting in some collage and then acrylic paint over the top of that. The paint was textured to create the circular pattern. I then cut an image out of a catalog I manipulated the arms a bit to give her a zombie like look. I glued her down and applied a layer of thinned gesso. Over the top of that I addded colored pencils in zombie shades. I stamped on the workds and hand wrote then stuff on the bottom. with a sharpie which I spritzed with alcohol to soften and blur. I Then watered down some red paint and used a liner brush to pain in some blood and spatter it across the page.
I really enjoyed making this page. Partially becuase I hate fashion images and catalogs but also I got to splatter paint across a page a la Dexter.