NaNoJouMo- Search
Originally uploaded by lessherger
Text says: I’m still searching for why you’d want to bring hate into this wonderful event.
For those of you who don’t follow my twitter (lessherger) My father-in-law is getting remarried. He made it very clear that I am not invited to the wedding. While I’m hurt and angry about this slight; I’m partially happy that I don’t have to dress up and pretend I like a bunch of people I hate. So Perhaps it’s a blessing in disguise.
I have a video going up on YouTube showing how I made this image.
I started with a base of red acrylic. I then swiped it with some walnut ink pad. I sketched the couple in really quickly and then blocked in the image with gesso. Then the black of the suit went in. Then layered some watercolor pencil in for the faces. I wanted them to look sort of vapid and hollow. I made the circles with a compass.
The blue circles are made of blue and black paint mixed with matte medium to make a transparent glaze. I used 2 brushes tapped together with wet paint on it to splatter paint on to the page. I first wrote the words on with my pentouch white marker and found that it isn’t working well, as I’ve used most of it up. I’m burning through pens like crazy. I went over that with white liquatex ink on a liner brush..