Challenge is Done

It's April first and it's the first day in 31 days that I've not dragged my butt out of bed and posted a prompt to the March Art Journal Challenge, and most days it was a miracle because the posting was done BEFORE my morning coffee, you have no idea!

That being said that challenge was a rousing success, at least in my mind! There was lots of discussion, lots of imagery and lots of stuff going on in the discussion, especially in the first 3 weeks. I think in any long term challenge it fizzles out at the end but this one stayed lively for quite awhile. I'm happy to have been a part of it. I hope my prompts were sometimes wacky and sometimes mundane. I, myself, focused on opening my journal everyday rather than finishing a spread everyday. I found that to work the best for me.

I have in mind another challenge, this one more conducive to that sort of meditative "opening" of the page rather than a focus on finishing a page or spread everyday, as many people told me a prompt a day challenge makes them feel forced to do. Which was not the idea behind the challenge but I understand the pressure. You give someone a prompt a day, they feel pressure. 

If you didn't get the chance to follow along in March or you are new to you can head on over, follow the March Prompts for the month of April, or use them as an inspiration point for anytime.

Also keep an eye on the page, we've got something big in store.