May Art Journal Challenge

In May I'll be setting up another Art Journal Challenge. This one more self paced than a prompt a day. My plan is to set the workshop up by the weeks in may and have a series of prompts ready for each week. I'm not sure how many but lets just say not 7 and more than 2. Exact numbers to come out later. In addition to the prompts released into the wild each week I'm hoping to do a PDF that you'll be able to print. The PDF will include the prompts, some images and writing.

I think that this style of art journal challenge will take the pressure off the feeling of pressure some people noted in the last challenge to create a spread or page a day. Having the x# of prompts available for you when you want to use them will leave you able to work on your own time for the amount of time you choose, with no need to worry about a full page or spread created per day. Get rid of that pressure! 

Join the Challenge here, it's free!

I took a look at the comments and participation on the March
Art Journal Challenge, we had a lot of people participate. It was great but one
of the repeated comments by many people was that they felt pressure to create
everyday and that what they created needed to be a full page or spread. I
wanted to create another challenge that took away the pressure.

What I’ve decided to do is release 3 to 4 prompts per week
on Sunday. You’ll be able to work on the prompts as you like and at your own
pace. There is no pressure to create everyday, or to fill a full page or spread
in your journal. The prompts will be released onto the Challenge Workshop of
the ning site as well as on a downloadable and printable PDF. The PDF will
include a few other things that I’m still ironing out the details of at this time.
But the idea is that you can print the PDF and work on the prompts throughout
the week, at your own pace. The following Sunday another group of prompts and a
new PDF will be loaded to the group.

There will be 4 full weeks of prompts and PDFs. Join now, it’s