Ning makes Changes

I’m kicking back this AM drinking a coffee and considering
the issue at hand. If you don’t know already Ning, the site I host on is going paid. They sent out a letter saying they
will be phasing out their free services over the next few months and we’ll get
more details over the next 3 months. I’m waiting to hear about what the pay
structure will be like if the lowest price will be $10/ month as it is now or
if they will raise it to their lowest without advertising cost of $25/month.

Starting now I’m paying the $10/month to be a premium
network. I believe in and $10/month I can afford, hell I’ll
just skip 2 trips to starbucks and it’s paid, right? It’s only $120/year. I
want and I PLAN on keeping this site going. I’ve found a few free sites and I’m
going to check their features out and see if they are an option to use. I’ve
gotten very accustomed to NING and its cludgy interface. (I’ve referred to it
repeatedly as a club when you really want a scalpel.) Over all it’s perfect for
what we’re doing. I love the mix of images, PDF, and discussion. Really I
couldn’t ask for a better interface for the journalers!

So for now I’m paying and I’m waiting to see what the new
charges will be but I’m also looking at migrating us to another site if the
need arises.

For now I’m headed into the DayJob for a little Saturday

So for what it’s worth, don’t worry about any major changes
to nothing is happening yet.