nanojoumo- purity
Originally uploaded by lessherger
This was a NaNoJouMo prompt. I'm working in an 8×8 inch journal with Strathmore 400 series drawing paper inside. The paper is 90lb. I started out by gessoing the page lightly. I used a soft brush so as to leave few brush strokes.
I then used red acrylic in the upper left of the spread. I then googled the word purity to get some inspiration> For whatever reason when I think of purity I think of the absence of it. I also think of purity groups and… Well I find them hilarious. I won't go into it here, this is neither the time nor place, back to technique.
I found a particularly bad example of a "purity card." It was clear to me that someone's mom had made it in MSPaint. The design work is terrible. I pulled it up into GIMP and began my changes. I cleaned out the word purity and darkened some of the lines as well as cleaned up some of the other junk in the design. There was no making it much better than it was. I then printed it via laser printed to some transparency film. I knew it would give me the true "grunge" look the original artist was looking for and had failed miserably to attain.
I slathered on some gel medium and crossed my fingers, transfers are tricky at best and one this size was a lay it down and hope for the best kind of thing. I began burnishing the image with my bone folder. It transferred better than expected with some of the smaller areas not transferring well at all. The main part of the image transferred perfectly.
I then googled the image in the lower right, a woman bent over with little to nothing on. The best source for this sort of image? Car websites, apparently this is a favorite pose. It took some searching to find a "decent" image to draw from. I quickly sketched the image in pencil I intended the image to be black ane white but didn't like the way the legs looked in bl&w, so I added some color and shaded them in purple tones.I filled in the white gesso area with some green watercolor crayon.
After everything had dried I used a white paint pen to outline and fill in the word purity. I wanted it to pop off the page. I then added some water to gesso to make a runny paint. I allowed this to drip of each of the letters. I loaded up a large liner brush with the gesso and spattered it over the page… I allowed the paint to drip off the brush in several areas creating drops and splattered blobs of paint.