Art Journaling: It’s All Good THE ZINE IS HERE

For those who have been wondering about the top secret project and what it entailed, I’m telling you right now it’s a 41 page zine available for download. Check out the main page of AJ Ning for details on how to purchase the zine.

The zine features articles by myself Leslie Herger of Comfortable Shoes Studio, Connie Hozvicka of Dirty FootPrints Studio, Eveline of EvelineTimeless, Klair Scattergood of Rhomany’s Realm and Jonathan Manning of The Artistic Biker. There is a spectacular interview with Teesha Moore included, stories of how we got our strart. It’s not just another zine on how to art journal but a zine on our beginnings and, yeah, how to art journal.

I can’t tell you how excited I was to see its finished pages on my screen and to hit the print button, 41 pages of art journaling goodness from real people making real art journals. The best part, to me, is that every single person participating in this zine has a drastically different style so you’re getting articles from all over the map, and that’s great to me!

So head over to AJ Ning and check out the zine! We’ll have a sample set of pages up soon so check back often!!!

On another note, for those of you who have been reading my blog know tht I’m a big supporter of arts in rural communities. Though I live in the city today I grew up ina very rural part of Maine. So when Jonathan Manning aka The Artistic Biker decided to purchase a building in Chickasha, Oklahoma and turn it into a studio and gallery I knew I wanted to help. Over the course of several weeks of UStreams I painted a picture about overcoming obstacles and doing anything, I’ve titled it “I Can Do Anything.” I’m auctioning it off and 50% of the profits will go directly to Jonathan to help him renovate the building. I’m excited to see where the eBay auction goes and how much money we can make to support Oasis Studio and Gallery. So head over to eBay and bid!