
One of the problems that I have with working on art so much is that I really want to keep my momentum going for days on end. The DayJob often leaves me beyond tired at the end of the day and the last thing I want to do when exhausted is pick up a brush and start my second 40 hour work week. I’ve been putting in 12 hour days on the weekends and 2 and 3 hours after my DayJob nearly everyday.

Some days I want o paint late into the day. I can do that a few times here and there but really I need to stop and sleep at some point.

I have a painting on the easel and another at the ready. I’ve got the first layers applied and I really want to wait for the first layer to film over and then get tht second layer of paint on but I have to go to work in the AM.

I look forward to the day when I can work on art as my DayJob.
