
I've been wanting a good brain stencil for awhile now. Back in the late 90's I made a series of large sized internal organ stencils, all handcut and all bassed on old school medical illustration, but highly modified.Over time and moves they were lost to the shuffle and I miss them.

For this project I printed off a mid sized medical illustration of a brain. I highly adapted it by whiting out areas and thickening areas and creating bridges so it would work as a stencil. That took the most amount of time. I then used my new ScanBox to snap a perfect clear picture of it, uploaded that to my computer and then pulled it into Makes the Cut's  pixel trace setting. A few clicks and whirs here and there and in a few minutes I had a background brain and an internal detail stencil cut. There are a few areas where I would probably simplify it a little bit if I had more time but as is I like it a lot.

You'll probablly see a few more internal organ illustrations show up.
