I consider myself a mixed media artist. I went to school to be an art teacher and an art therapist. The skilled learned were broad spectrum and about all media. I didn’t have to be super skilled in all of them, but I needed to understand them well enough. I missed out on pottery.
In all honesty I think learning all the media I did in high school, college and grad school suited the way my brain works. ADHD and all that.
I consider myself proficient in print making, specifically relief and dry point as well as drawing with a variety of materials and finally watercolors. Though I suspect some people who watch my watercolor videos would debate me on that.*
That said I enjoy learning about materials. I think changing up what I draw and paint with on occasion keeps my brain active and pushes me to try harder.
But what really get my artistic groove going is mixing media. Watercolors with pencils and pens and collage and gouache and acrylic and slapping all that into a sketchbook/journal.
I like it when I take the rules of a media and break them.
I recently decided to draw the same scene with as many different media as I can. I think you can tell taht each of the scenes is drawn by me. There are some overlaps- Inktense are basically watercolor pencils. INktense watercolors are just watercolors. Watercolors with waterbrushes and regular brushes are just watercolors. and so on. But the interesting thing that I’m learning is that all these images inform my art making practice.
Anyway, y’all geta first look at these images. A video is upcoming.
Get in there and use all your media and mix ’em together.
I’m missing photos of a few of them but I’ll post those soon. What do you notice in all these images?
*Seriously the number of watercolor art bros who have commented “That’s not how you use watercolors!” on my videos is hilarious. Blockity Block Block. I no longer care about these dudes, and laugh at them as I block them. Imagine having the time to shit post on someone’s art. They are the worst kind of people.