Category Archives: technique

New Videos On a Mini Watercolor Palette Live on Youtube

I’ve recently posted a few new videos about the mini watercolor palettes that you can find on Amazon and Aliexpress for not too much money.

My first video was a rather harsh critique-

At this point I’d kind of fallen for the little palette and found another that came bundled with a sketchbook and a few brushes. So I discuss some tips tricks and hacks for making the palette better.

After a few weeks I answered the pressing question: What colors would I fill the palette with?

Then I dove deep into DIY mode and raided my recycle bin to see how I could make a water cup that slides onto the palette!

Mini travel palette affiliate links here:

Same as mine:
Better price:
AliExpress: These are similar products but will work the same:

Love a Gesture Drawing

I love gesture drawing. I also love thumbnails.

As an artist these are areas where the rules of art are all about the vibes. The whole point of gesture drawing is to capture the feeling, weight, movement, value, and idea of a a person.

Now granted a gesture drawing is meant to be a means to an end- capture a moving human body in motion. The rules are that they aren’t meant to be finished works. Continue reading

Messy Materials

When I was young I loved chalk and oil pastels. There was something about the dusty blend of chalk that I loved working with. Oil pastels left chunky lumps on the pages but smoothed out with a finger into lovely layers.

I didn’t use them often in college but when I was teaching I used them a lot. I also stained a rug in a rental with chalk pastels. It cost me some money.

I started to avoid really messy materials like chalk and oil pastels. Chalk also started to dry out my skin.

When I picked up the kid’s tempera sticks I was reminded of oil pastels. More than once I felt like the tempera sticks felt like chapstick or lipstick smoothing onto a page. Good oil pastels are often referred to in the same way.

I went out and bought a 12-pack of Faber Castell oil pastels. Pretty chunky, smooth but chunky.

I’ve been thinking of doing the tempera sticks with the kids for their big project but they are not lightfast and we only use artist grade materials with the kids for these projects. So I went back to oil pastels.

I made my way out to my local (truly local a small local chain Artist and Craftsman Supply) art supply store and picked up 2 brands of student grade oil pastels and a handful of artist grade pastels.

The first brand of student grade oil pastels I picked up was Panda by Talens. They were smoother than the Faber Castell but not by much. The 24 pack of colors is a good choice.

The next step up was Van Gogh brand by Royal Talens. Smoother still but not that chapstick like consistency was looking for. Continue reading

Values Studies and Ink Wash

I recently took part in Ohn Mar Win’s Patreon hangout. She puts up photos and everyone draws and paints. Really kind of fun and something I want to challenge myself to do more of in the new year. But I need to find balance*.

Anyway, it made me realize that my landscapes are stiff and don’t feel as good as those i made years ago. I don’t know that I’ve shared here that in the early 2000s when I lived in VERY rural Maine I used to drive around Washington County and draw and paint local landmarks and scenic images. I’d then load them up to eBay starting at 1 cent or 10 cents. eBay had some sort of promo if you started your listing for 1 cent it was cheaper. I did a LOT OF that. I have very few images left over from that time period because I sold most of them for a few bucks. You might think that’s a shame but I literally paid my rent that summer** by selling landscape drawing and paintings of West Quoddy Head and Roques Bluff State Park to people all over the world.

Honestly, as an artist paying rent by selling art is a good feeling. Also, if I’m totally honest I lived in a tiny apartment and I needed to get it gone. Continue reading

Values Journaling Series

My Values Journaling series of videos is currently finished and loaded to YouTube. I might try to edit them down for the TikTokers out there, but for now I see value (ahem) in keeping them long. This way you see the process.

Here they are:

Setting Up a New Journal

When I’m about 1/3rd to 1/2 way through a sketchbook or journal I start to set up my next one. This gives me time to think about decorations and what journal type I want to use. Do I want blank or ruled pages? Dot grid? Hard or flexy covers? I grab a journal and start to make it mine. I add ribbons, elastic, a pocket and remove a few pages so I can collage. I number the pages.

Then I decorate the cover and set it aside to finish the one I’m currently using.

Lately I’ve been really into these sketchbooks from 5 Below. At $5 they have acceptable paper and are sturdy. They require all the prep I listed above.

These are some videos I have made of the process.

Composite Images with the Thermal Instant Print Camera

I have written here on multiple occasions about my love for David Hockney’s work. I’ve been fortunately to see a couple of his shows when they’ve come to the east coast. One that stands out was when my friend Jane and I met up in Portland, Maine for an artist’s date and decided on a whim to go to the Portland Museum of Art. I don’t know if Jane knew there was an exhibit of Hockney’s work there or not but I was delighted to go into a relatively small room and see a number of his works, including a favorite, Pearblossom Hwy.

Done in 1986 he used a point and shoot 35mm camera to take multiple shots of the same scene. Which he then pieced together into a 48×64 inch collage. He’s also got a series of works done with a Polaroid arranged in a grid.

really interesting stuff.

My friend Erik went to a recent Hockney show and snapped a picture of Pearblossom Hwy and sent it to me said he wondered what I could do with one of the thermal printing cameras.

And hot damn, I set out to test out the idea. I wanted something more interesting than just a landscape. I headed to the Willows for one of my morning constitutional walks and thought I’d do something with one of the benches or buildings.

Instead I was presented with a ripe opportunity- someone had discarded a Little Tykes Cozy Coupe, in faded red and blue; at the recycle and trash bins. It was backed into the bin like it had been parked there purposefully and not illegally dumped. I decided this was weird enough to be my subject. So I set about snapping a whole range of photos, 5 up and 6 across. A total of 30+ images.

I learned a lot with those 30 images. First off, space my images out a lot more. And don’t move my feet, much. To keep things in the same perspective I tried to keep my hands at the same level and played with just tipping the camera.

Obviously I need to test this out some more. but what a really cool little range of images I got from one set of 25 images.



Later That Week: Further Explorations

I headed back out to the Willows to see if the Little Tykes Cozy Coupe was still next to the trash, and it was. What luck. I moved it back to the same spot where it had been. (It had been moved around.) I then set about to take more photos of the scene. I took what I learned- move the camera more between images and move to the sides and above more.

IN this image you can see I took many more images, probably close to 50 or 60. I did not use them all, but having more was better than too few. I also used this as an example and working piece to figure out some more stuff. More on that.

I also tried another scene, this one of a do not enter sign, and another of the parking area for Blue Bikes.


I think this telephone pole and fire hydrant is super cool and really shows how the camera can distort and tweak the image.

With this one I focused my attention on the do not enter sign and getting a clear image of that leads to distortions around it. There’s a metaphor there.

For the notes:

  • Take more pictures than you think you need or want.
  • Print some of the images, then print more as needed.
  • Use a glue runner or other film style glue instead of glue stick- glue stick tends to curl paper and not stick to the plasticky coating of the paper.
  • If you pick a focus point you’ll get distortions as you move the camera around, this can be very cool.
  • Use a heavy weight paper or put it in your journal.
  • The time stamp  can be very distracting in some areas of the image. I like it in most of the image so I work around it.

With this last image. I shot maybe 100 pictures but only printed 50 of them to start and printed more as I needed to fill in areas, but I REALLY wanted to play with the idea of perspective and distortion around the edges. So I really worked with keep my feet planted and moving my upper torso around to take the shots. I then realized I could keep one foot planted and ROTATE my other foot around it. I chose to keep my left foot planted and rotate around on the ball of that foot. This worked REALLY well at creating the warped perspective I was looking for. I think I could go back and fill in the empty areas with some more shots. Either way this piece is much larger than the others. The others are about 6″ square while this one is about a foot and a half high.

Anyway I really dig this.


This is the camera I have been using for this exploration. It prints a little more slowly but it’s black and doesn’t draw attention despite being pretty large when compared to the other cameras I have.

Links are affiliate to amazon. Bezos tosses me a few coins should you buy anything via my links. It’s not much but it helps to keep me in coffee. If you are interested in buying me a coffee and helping this blog stay up and running hit up my Ko-Fi page. I post there regularly and you get all of the posts here a week in advance. I also post some members only content for supporters. thanks for reading.