Memoirs of a Bathroom Wall
Originally uploaded by The Searcher
Read the story. I love everything this guy does. It's always great.
Read the story. I love everything this guy does. It's always great.
Blobs and washes of color make a colorful and interesting landscape. My goal for this summer is to work more en plein aire.
Lovely little watercolor of venice. I'd love to go before it sinks into the sea.
Love this little drawing of Amsterdam, again I strive to draw more en plein aire this year.
love the ink on the bottom of the page, lovely and dark. Very cool stuff.
I love the juxtaposition of the drawing of abe in sanguine and text written in black, lovely.
text and a nude. I like it. Again juxtaposition is good. 2 things that seemingly don't fit but work together well.
There isn't a lot of info about this one but again the frenetic scribbled energy is great.
I like this but I don't know why.