
Phew! It’s been a crazy couple of days in the Comfortable Shoes Studio. There are a number of new and exiting thing either here or on the horizon! This the first tiem all week I’ve and time to stop and post.

First, last weekend we had a friend move in to stay with u for 4 to 6 months until he can find a place of his own- wow is that a big difference! While it’s nice and all it certainly does changes thing. Secondly, I have applied for a new DayJob, it is with my current company but off the sales floor and dealing with the computer systems with in the store. It’s not an easy job nor is it a hard job, but there is a lot to learn and I do like that. So learning and applying for the new position has required that I give the DayJob a few extra hours of my time, time I can’t really afford to give, but all the same I must.

I’ve been making books here and there, but I’ve been doing all the boring bits; cutting covers and folding paper as time has permitted. After a 10-hour shift at the DayJob I had to the studio and cut a few covers etc…I didn’t realize that I had been actually finishing off books in the short time I’ve been in the studio. 3 days ago I headed to the studio to see on my ready for spines shelf that I had a stack of a dozen books. So I spent Thursday night punching spines and stations in signatures. I can’t remember what day but one day this week I spent gluing up hedgehogs. Finally last night I set to work on stitching p some of the mammoth stack of journals that I had made. I finished 3.

I’ll give each type of journal it’s own post with pictures at that!