The prompt is open ended and deals only with the
material, subject and content are up to you, but the
material is dictated.
The next item to add color is watercolor or gouache. Both
are a type of water based paint. I love both for different reasons. Watercolor
allows you to create beautiful rich layers of color that are vibrant and pop of
the page. It’s hard to use and difficult to master. But they can be found cheap
and allow you to add color over inky lines. Gouache on the other hand is
thicker opaque and works more like a water based oil color than watercolor,
though it can be thinned to use like watercolors. It’s great for putting in
thick layers of color, toning pages and creating flat designs. It can also be
used to beautifully render subjects.
Prompt #3 Use a water based reversible media, pick one
watercolor or gouache. Subject is up to you.
Leave a comment with a link to your blog with pictures of what you’ve done!