The recent reunion of New Kids on the Block has been heating up the news websites. Since I live under a rock I just found out about this today. It made me think, because I could care less about NKOTB, I actually disliked them as a teen, and I was probably one of the few teen girls that didn’t like them. But it made me wonder what band would I stay up for tickets all night ,wait in long lines and make repeated calls to Ticket master? What band did I first listen to as a teen that completely blew my mind, what album did I listen to over and over? What tapes did I splice together because I broke them?
For me there is only one band that I would go that distance, only one band that blew my mind like that. NKOTB it ain’t. But what is your band, Journal it.
(For the record for me its The Pixies. Wave of Mutilation was a formative CD for me. I played it over and over, put songs from it on all mix tapes I ever made, I listened to it when I was happy, sad and in teen angst mode. Even today, when I listen to that CD I love it.)