Phew, the hard part is over

The last 2 weeks have been a whirlwind for me. Taking care of a parent, even with a "routine" but major surgery is difficult. There are so many things to expect and not expect that  essentially you are on guard all the time. Though I technically was "off duty" in the evening I did not sleep well due to a combination of worry and an unfamiliar bed. I did not do the amount of work I had hoped while I was there. The Ning site did not blossom as I had hoped as I was too busy to sit and work on it consistently. I've also found I need a specific setting to work on stuff like that and a desk it is. I did not journal as much as I had hoped either.

I did get a couple of good videos of the experience and I'll be repeating it again in 2 weeks. I suspect that I'll be able to do a lot more work on everything then as the progress my Mom made over the course of the week was visible and pretty much amazing. So I suspect that when I return I'll hardly be able to keep up with her.

I wanted to take a moment to thanks everyone ( you know who you are) for the amazing support I've received from everyone on twitter, facebook and here on my blog. The well wishes, prayers* and comments helped to keep my spirits up during this very difficult time.  It's simply amazing to me that people all over the world have wished my mom and my family well. So really I appreciate it more than I can express and more than more than you'll ever know.

I've received 5 donations total to help with the running of the blog. I appreciate it a lot. It is sometimes hard for me to believe that I put content out that people are willing to help me continue putting that out there. I will continue to keep putting out free videos on technique and art creation. You guys rock.

You'll also notice the "eyesore" on the right hand side of the blog. It's my project wonderful box. It's paid advertising. It's mostly art related. There were a few really great blogs linked up there, so help a girl out and click a few of the links and give them a read. IF you find something offensive let me know, I said no pr0n but okay'd online comics and uh, we know how some of those are…

Additionally I'd like to thank everyone for coming out to purchase during my Black Friday special. It was amazing. I made a lot of sales and those sales are going toward upkeep of the blog, ning and videos. I'm hoping to do another couple of videos this week but I've got a lot of stuff to catch up with here in my house. Its amazing the stuff you forget about when you are gone for almost 2 weeks. Like that milk in the fridge- ewwwww! 

That hard part is over and now life and slowly go back to normal.

*Though I'm not a  believer I appreciate the sentiment