Faces 2 videos

I get a lot of questions about faces and how to shade them what colors to use, wher are the darkest areas etc. I've got plans to do a video, but I suspect that my weird and kind of realistic style is not what people are looking for. I found this 2 part video by YouTuber MyCreativeBliss that details shading and coloring one of those faces with overly large eyes. She uses several shades of peach, cream and ochres to color the face and then Glazing medium to blend and melt the colored pencils together. It's an interesting technique that I'm going to have to test out, not on a big eyed girl face but somethign a little darker and creepy, because I'm like that. Anyway check out these 2 videos, if you are interested in big eyed girls you'll like them.

Part 1:

Part 2