Do as I Say, but not as I Do.

Please be aware as you read this post that I'm not "claiming copyright" to the IDEA behind cult of stuff, the idea that we've got too much stuff and that we fall victim to marketing. What I'm claiming is that someone was inspired by my post, wrote their own after reading mine and seeing that it was quite popular (over 600 hits in 24 hours), and then posted their post. What is the usual course of events with blogs is that the blog post that inspired the post gets a linkback, it's blogging courtesy. What I'm complaining about is a severe lack of blogging manners.

You’ll notice this blog is covered under the creative commons license. There’s a button somewhere on here that states which license it’s covered under. I do this so that people can repost parts of my blog (with attribution) and my images (also with attribution) so long as their blog or group is not for profit. I do this because I see copyright as divisive (more on this in another post). As it’s currently set up copyright is designed to protect big companies (will further be referred to as “the man”) and not the little guy, aka me, as a blogger or an artist. Legally sure it does but it costs money to copyright something and if I were to copyright (register) everything I produced I’d soon be broke.

That being said, I don’t think people should copy other people’s art work, teach classes that other people came up with, buy journals from bookbinders only to steal the design, nor do I think that someone should take someone else’s ranting tirade and rewrite it so that it’s more palatable for their audience and then post it on their blog. You see all of that is wrong, and when people do such things they are morally corrupt people who care more about their bottom line than they do about their fellow human beings.

Just as a for instance. I had an email conversation that sparked one of my cult of stuff posts. I wrote to the person with whom I had the conversation with to be sure that she was okay that I riffed on our conversation. After I got the okay I posted the rant. If I write a response to a post, or a post inspired by another blogger I write “hey this post was inspired by so-and-so over here, read it!” That’s blogger courtesy. I’ve been blogging for a LONG time, since 2000. So this is something you learn when you’ve been blogging for a long time and perhaps it’s something you don’t get if you come out of the old school publishing industry. One might think that it’s something you’d pick up after a year or more of blogging.

My point being if you like one of my blog posts, feel free to repost it with a link back. If you can’t link back don’t repost. It’s simple. IF you like a blog post but don’t think it’s quite right for your audience, contact me I’m willing to do a rewrite. IF you think you can write a better post, feel free, but the courteous thing to do is provide a link back to the author who inspired you. If you can’t or won’t do that, well you are probably of questionable morale judgment and I don’t want my blog and writing associated with you.

On another note don’t talk about respect, copyright and copywrong if you aren’t going to follow by your very own rules, it’s hypocritical.

Some assorted pictures supporting my theory of blog-lifting:

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