some more pictures

I'm being a terrible blogger these last couple of days. Just know it's for good reasons, m'kay? So here are some pictures I took over the last week or so. _7141066

 These are PINK day lilies. I never thought I'd be a fan of them but these kick ass, and people like to trade other day lilies for them. This is a nice sunset shot of one.

Apparently my city has a couple of "working" docks and not just docks for fancy boats. In this case, a  lobster boat is at the dock. 

*SIGH* Teenagers and Jager go hand in hand, sadly the drunk teens leave "stuff" behind. This will make some great sea glass later- dark gree is great. (I also found some err used "protection" in the beach trash. Seriously people, dispose of it in better ways!)
Another shot of the lobster boat. This may become a painting later this winter, or not, who knows.

Taht being said, I'm getting to know the camera better and I'm thinking more about the shots themselves, not just pointing and shooting. I'm better at composing a scene just by looking than I am through the lens, I guess years of en plein air painting has some positive effect. I've figuring out how to start teh pricocess of applying how I look when I'm painting to the lens of my camera. It's not that different, it seems to be about looking around, like i do when I'm painting and then holding up the camera and clicking.