Supplies for travel

Often times when I take a weekend trip I take all kinds of supplies, telling myself, “I’ll use this, this, and oh I should add that to my pack.” In the end I use little of what I brought. I’m taking a weekend trip pretty soon and while I pack my things I’m being a little more deliberate about what I pack. I’m packing my new gum tin watercolor set, along with one of my mini mint tin sets full of intense colors for a little added punch when absolutely needed.  I’m taking 1 regular brush (#6 round,) a couple of water brushes, a small assortment of drawing tools, my sketchbook, a watercolor sketchbook and a 40 ounce water bottle. To round this out I’m taking my fancy pants camera and my point and shoot.

Added to my travel bag will be my journal, laptop and my pogo printer.

In the past I strayed toward over packing art supplies. I’d leave my house with a pack full of acrylics, pastels, pencils, watercolors, and everything else; only to find that I was never able to find the time to use any of it. My choices were so overwhelming I’d not make any art.

In the end the most important thing is capturing those moments that are of interest. I suppose I should take what can capture things quickly and easily and forget the rest.