3 of 30 in June

page was done in a 6×8 inch Stillman & Birn Epsilon sketchbook. I
It’s got this awesome smooth plate finish, smooth enough that pens are
great on it but tough enough I can work several layers and use
watercolors. The finished image is 5×7 inches and is available matted
and ready for framing on etsy here.


started this page with Derwent Watercolour Pencil. I’ve got a set from
the mid-90’s that was given to me as a gift, so while expensive they
last a long time, even with frequent use. I did my writing which filled
half of the page. I then added clean water with a big brush. I moved the
water around over the pencils and then dragged the colored water down
to the white area of the page. After I’d covered the page in pale blue
color I added some more water and manipulated the pencil some more. I
then allowed this to dry at an angle so that the colors dripped and
moved around the page.

the main page dried I grabbed 3 of my die-cut sheep. I used a 2-Way Glue
to temporarily hold them to a spot in my big art journal.
I then added yellow, orange and bright red watercolors to them. While
these dried I then considered my writing and what it meant. My choice of
the sheep is usually to address my own sheep-like tendencies. The
writing was about breaking with the herd and skipping out on something
traditional. It also addressed some of the consequences of not following
keep looking at this page and thinking it needs something indefinably
“more.” But at the same time I love it’s perfect simplicity. So, in the
end I’m leaving it as is and turning the page. Maybe the fact that it leaves me feeling that it's unfinished is what I'm supposed to feel withthis page, I think that art journaling sometimes unveils feelings we aren't ready to conciously think about, but by looking at and considering our pages it makes those feelings clear and easier to address and explore.

of the product links are to affiliate sites, so if you make a purchase
through the links I will be compensated, though in small amounts. and of
course the etsy link goes directly to my page and I will be fully
compensated should you choose to purchase this piece.