Values Journaling Worksheet

I have been working on a video about values journaling. This is the blog post for that video.

Start your values journaling with this worksheet:

values list

Circle all the things on the list that are important to you. EVERYTHING.

Then organize them into similar linked lists, try to get it to 10.

Write about each of the 10 lists/words.

Don’t do this in one sitting. Spend some time with each topic. Write at least page in your journal for each one.  Ask yourself why is this important to you? Why did you pick this? Go deep. Now go deeper.

Now take each theme and explore it in your art journal.

The hardest question you will ask for each theme/topic is: Am I living up to this value right now? If so how? If not how can I? What changes can I make in my life to align my life with my values?

When you start to think about changes, remember that you’ll need to break each one into small manageable steps to make achievable goals. (Check out SMART goals.)

Here are some questions to ask yourself after you’ve found your words and are exploring your responses.


James Clear’s value’s journaling post, check out his section about his integrity report. He’s got good questions there.