Category Archives: Inspiration

Kitti Graffiti

Check out the website Kitti Graffiti it's hilarious but gives me ideas about pasting things into a journal and sketching on it to make it into something else.

It would be neat to paste a pic into a journal, gesso around the stuff you don't want and then sketch onto it to make other things. I think I'll try it.

Craig Atkinson

I like nothing more than browsing sketchbooks that the artist's have been so gracious as to load up for my viewing pleasure, Craig Atkinson is one of those gracious people. Check out his many many journals/ sketchbooks online here, be prepared to spend an hour or so, there's a lot of good stuff for your viewing pleasure

Things kids today will never know about

This article from had me thinking.I has nothing to do with books or journaling, but it made me thing so I'm posting it here, because it could be a good thing to spark some great memories for journaling purposes.

It made me think of the first time we popped in a VHS tape and watched a movie and on Christmas eve when we hooked up the NES for the first time and my brothers, Dad and I stayed up ALL night playing super Mario Brothers and swapping games with our friends; thought of an age before the internet and programing basic in DOS on an Applie IIe in the sweltering heat of our upstairs office. It made me think of my Dad's first CD player, a realistic that was the size of a DVD play is now, and the great pains we took to put it in the car, in a foam cradle so it wouldn't skip; and how it always did. It made me think of my first CD player and my first CD (Pixies Trompe le Monde) and listening to it for hours.

Anyway, what does this article bring to your mind? Journal it.

Celebrate Freedom for Handmade

Anyone who has a facebook and/ or a twitter account and/ or an etsy or artfire account, login and tweet or facebook one item not your own today. Find a cool new item or an old favorite and tell everyone.

Etsy's new facebook link is subtle, you need to heart an item to be able to facebook it from within the page. On Artfire all you need to do is click the tweet this link on the left hand side of the items page. Super easy either way. Show some love for your fellow etsy and artfire people.

Celebrate the freedom to make and buy Handmade items!

Tweet and Facebook the call to Celebrate the freedom for handmade!

Virtual Sketch Date

This website is an interesting idea, the blogger posts a picture and then people are asked to sketch it, send in images and links of their finished work by a particular date then the original blogger posts links. Fantastic idea.Great way to get into the habit of drawing again. I wish it were done more than once a month though.