Category Archives: Uncategorized

Info Mentioned on the Ustream

I mentioned the Montserrat College of Art's encaustic workshop on my UStream. It is over, it was in the middle of last month. I thought it was this month, ah well. It's a yearly thing. Anyway the link to the site telling you all about it is here.

Also my friend and classmate Helene Farrar does a lot of encaustics. You can see her blog here and the website of her gallery here.

Technique Tuesday: I pity your judgement

image from this page I wrote out an intensely personal entry in a thick ball point pen, pressing hard into the thick soft stonehenge 140lb paper. After I had done that I use a credit card to scrape a REALLY thin layer of red paint over teh top of the writing.

I then doodled a face in sumi ink on the right page which was painted a pale blue color. I used a waterbrush to blend that into the blue background. I wanted to have an area to write on the right side so I used some white acrylic paint to cover up some of the blue. I sealed the sumi ink with some gloss gel medium. After that had dried I went back into the eye area and added the white of the eye.

I watered down some blue acrylic paint and dripped it from the top of the page. After it had dried I used a white watercolor crayon to outline the drips and pop them out a bit.

After the whole thing dried I wrote on top of it with a gel pen, it didn't write so well so I went over it with an elmer's paint pen. On the right side the gel pen wrote well enough so I sealed it with gloss gel medium and after it had dried added some highlights with watercolor crayon.

I discovered, by accident, on this page, that if you brush gel medium over gel pen it lifts and blends it quite well, it continues to lift the ink as it dries. Which could be a very cool technique to try out.

Traveling Art Boxes aka Pochade box

I've been wanting to get a pochade box, also known as a thumb box for awhile now but they are … well beyond my price range. We have a variety of great thrift stores in the area and I needed a couple of new shirts for work. I stopped by found a couple of shirts, decided to wander the book aisle to look for art books.

They had no good art books so I wandered the housewares aisle just looking, and in the decorating section, which is generally a pile of useless shit I found a wooden mini wine bottle box with nice hinges and clasps. I also found a medium sized cigar box. I grabbed both. I spent $8 total. Both are made of wood, but I may collage over the top of the cigar box, though a cigar box pochade is a classic.

I've looked at a variety of videos and plans for making my own and I have a rough plan for what I'd like to do with my 2 little boxes.

I watched this video about the pochade box:

I also looked at a bunch of blogs but this one stood out as the best.