Where am I?

I spent Sasturday and Sunday outside shooting pictures like those you see below (and drawing.) I failed to make note of the allergy forecast (don't laugh, unless you  have allergies you don't get the importance of this.) So, I'm sleeping off allergy meds. meh.

Just to make it a little more visceral for you my face feels like someone smacked me with a baseball bat across the bridge of the nose, my eyes are watery and feel like I"ve got dust in them and my sinuses feel like someone stuffed a q-tip soaked in hot pepper pieces and scrubbed it around. I have taken much allergy meds. Om nom nom. Lesson learned, if the allergy forcast is "Danger Danger Will Robinson!" I will take my pre-emptive meds and not walk blythely about like it's nothing.

Also as an aside, I will be in a totally different location for the end of the week and blogging may not occur from Thursday to Sunday. Be aware.