It’s Alive! Put it on Paper!

I am absolutely overjoyed to tell you that the new zine Put it on Paper is on sale starting today. 6 months ago Jane and I sat in Jaho Cafe in Salem Mass during our regular art dates when we started to talk about zines and how cool Art Journaling: It’s All Good was and how I rather missed putting together a zine and that I had some ideas for one off solo publications. Jane casually suggested we do another zine together. After some chatting the basic idea of Put it on Paper was born.

After that meeting we’ve met nearly every weekend for the last 6 months to chat about art and the zine. PioP (as I like to abbreviate it) is a testament to perseverance, there were several issues that made us both think that at times PioP just wouldn’t happen. It’s amazing how fast something like this finally comes together.

What is amazing about the 2 of us working on this have also been working full time jobs plus part time gigs on top of working on this zine. It wasn’t the easiest thing in the world  but it’s made me realize that no matter what whatever we can do it. No matter what happened during the time we worked on this we finally got it together and got it done.

I’m so proud.

The digital download is $7 and the print copy is $14 + shipping. You get a free digital download with your print copy

Get it here: