Week Links

In this week’s links I dive down a few rabbit holes.

Gelatin printing is the predecessor of the gelli printing plates. Linda Germain has a great blog and website dedicated to make plates out of gelatin. If you sign up for her newsletter you can get a very easy recipe for a partially plasticized version of the plate. That just means that the gelatin has been stabilized with glycerin and won’t grow mold the way just gelatin will.

I’ve been using Insight Timer to relax a bit here and there. It has free and paid options, and best of all the app has a nice little timer that uses different chimes instead of my phone’s horrible blaring alarm. There are loads of different folx doing the mindfulness and meditations so you can find a voice you like, versus getting stuck with voices you hate.

I love to look at drawings as much as I like making drawings. I discovered this guy via Austin Kleon’s blog.