NovelPad recently made some big updates which addressed a few of the things I wanted to see from them. I’ve cut and pasted this directly from their email, as I couldn’t find a good link to it online.
The last time I sent one of these was over two months ago, but for good reason. On Monday, we released the biggest update to NovelPad ever:
But that’s old news at this point because we’re getting back into our weekly update schedule, and to kick it off here’s what got better in NovelPad this week:
1. Collapsable Chapter HeadersNow you can increase your writing zen when drafting in the Manuscript View by collapsing chapters that you’re not focused on:
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2. Manuscript View Remembers Scroll PositionNow every time you navigate within NovelPad or elsewhere, when you return to the Manuscript View, you’ll pick up right where you left off!
3. Word Import FixesA couple of minor fixes:
4. Total Word CountThis one definitely isn’t ground-breaking, but it was certainly overdue! Now you can see the total word count of your novel on the Analytics Page:
5. Selected Word CountsWhen selecting text, the formatting dialog will now show you the Scene word count and the Selected word count:
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6. Text JustificationSpeaking of the formatting dialog, now we also allow for all four standard text justification methods: Left, Center, Right, and Justified (unsupported in Firefox):
7. Typewriter Mode Scroll FixFixed a bug where replacing text with ProWritingAid in Typewriter Mode would occasionally cause the Manuscript View to scroll to an incorrect position.
8. Unindented First ParagraphWe’ve added a setting that allows you to disable indentation of the first paragraph in each scene. This should make the novel look a bit more “standard” while writing:
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