Author Archives: leslie

Technique Today: Oil Pastel

Oil pastels are inexpensive and loaded in color. They are a quick way to get bright, intense color onto your page fast. Eventually they will dry but it does take a long time.

If you have issues viewing the videos here on my blog please click the title of the video on the upper left of the video and it will open up in YouTube for your viewing pleasure.


With the above video, if you put acrylic over oil pastel, it will scratch off, or peel. It will stick better if you use watersoluble oil pastel. Just a word of caution. A very neat effect though. (You could do it with water colors in place of the oil pastels.)

(More videos after the break, having all the videos load at once was making the page load slow.)

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Review Policy

Law requires that I notify you if I receive revenue for reviews or other compensations. Thus far in my reviews* I’ve listed if I’ve purchased the item, if it’s been sent to me for review, or simply sent to me for general use. In most cases when bloggers are sent items for free it is in the hopes that we’ll do a positive review. I don’t get a lot of stuff for free, and when I do I don’t always review it. I try to only post generally positive reviews, or reviews which list technical reasons why I don’t find a product of value.

That being said, I don’t review stuff only because I’ve received it. Generally, it’s because I like it. My reviews are honest, so if I generally like something but there is one little detail that I don’t like, I make that known.

I am an Amazon Associate, so any links to amazon are associate links. I get pennies if you make a purchase through one of my links.

I’ve been an associate of European Paper Company, though I’ve removed the link from the sidebar and don’t use the ID anymore. It seemed to be more trouble than it is worth.

I have been sent a free pencil from JetPens. I liked it so I reviewed it. I often link to JetPen, I’m a frequent customer and a happy one.

Anyway. My policy is to review only the things I like (or need to warn you away from) and link to a seller. Sometimes that seller is Amazon and I may make a small profit if you chose ot make a purchase via that link. Other times I link to a seller where I make no profit, mostly because I really like the product and it isn’t available via Amazon.

I also sell my art and books on etsy. I reap all the rewards of your purchases via my shop. As a poor Grad student I usually use the money to pay for books or a cup of coffee.


*As of this writing 2/4/14

Pocket Journals

In my classes and here on my blog I've talked and written about the importance of a pocket notebook or journal, repeatedly and often. Jane and I explored this with our "Field Experiments" posts. I find that when I carry a sketchbook/journal with me ALL the time I use it more often. Even if all i'm doing is writing down which train I need to take and when, I'm using it. Having it on me all the time lets me use it for sketching and journaling whenever I want or need.

I've taken to carrying Field Notes and a BanditApple Carnet peewee in my pocket along with a mechanical pencil and a black ink pen in my coat pocket. It's a barebones journaling set up. No color just graphite and ink. IMAG1422
Because I've been keeping my journal in my inside coat pocket the point of my pencil has been pocking through. I jabbed my hand with it but I was more afraid I'd break a point off or jab someone else on the train. I made myself a little pen sheath that fits over the top of my flap cover.


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Journal Flips

I thougth I'd do a post of journal or sketchbook flips I really like. What I like about each of these videos is how the person used their journal. Some of them are more art based and more are less so but all really USE their book. To me that is the important thing.

I really dig this flip. First off, look at the cover. That journal has been loved. It's batter and stretched to it's limit. To me that's a sign of how much it's been used. Inside it's pages are pasted in images, newspaper clipings, drawings, notes, paintings, doodles, post cards, etc. This journal has it all. Boy it is amazing. I'd love to sit down have coffee with this person and look through some of her journals.


The style of this journal is entirely different from the last. It's crisp, organized, doodly, and loaded with writing. What I like about this one is that it's the first step into a more visual style of journaling. It uses a lot of writing, and sometimes that's needed, but sometimes, words just aren't enough. I think this journal is a great example of just that bridge between words and images.


Technique Today: Watercolor

Watercolor is one of my favorite thigns to use in my art journal. They are capable of brilliant or dark colors and are able to adapt to just about anything. Watercolors are simply a great tool to have in your art journal kit. They can open up a simplicity that can break open your practice and allow you to explore a different type of art journaling- faster and looser. Free in a way that acrylics and huge layers can't be.

If you have issues viewing the videos here on my blog please click the title of the video on the upper left of the video and it will open up in YouTube for your viewing pleasure.


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Technique Today: Drawing and Sketching

No joke, I love to draw in my art journal. Sketches, doodles, all sorts of neat stuff can go in there. But what to sketch, how to sketch? Hopefully, these videos will help give some guidance.

If you have an issue watching the videos here on my blog you can click the title of the video (top left of each video) and it will open up in youtube for you.


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Technique Tuesday: Contour Line Drawing

One of the best things I ever decided to do in my art journal was to devote myself to drawing. For about a year I devoted 20 to 30 minutes a night to drawing in my journal. I drew ewverything and anything from stacks of bottle caps to used tea bags to every piece of fresh fruit that came into the house. Sometimes in the 20 to 30 minutes I'd make 5 or 6 quick drawings othertimes I'd work on one. Anyway, contour line drawing does something in the brain (we aren't sure what yet) but it's been linked to all kinds of good things. (Check out Grandma Layton.) Take a moment when you are watching TV to go draw something. *

If you are having problems viewing the video here on my blog, click the title on the top left of the video and it will open in youtube.


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Art Related Videos

I’ve been watching a bunch of things on Amazon Prime, Hulu and Netflix. It’s been too cold to do much outside. Anyway…

I watched Exit Through the Gift Shop which  you can find here:


I also watch Ghost Army, a nifty documentary about artists in WW2 in a special division of the US Army. My friend Greg had mentioned it to me and I was finally able to see the movie. Nifty.


I’ve watched a load of trash TV as well… I won’t mention them here.

Happy new year to all my friends!