Category Archives: Inspiration

Days of Art

The last few days have been days of art. I’ve been soaking them up and putting them into the reserve to carry me through the next few months. I’m headed back to the DayJob on Monday so I can continue to fund my art activities. The last few days have been nothing short of glorious. It doesn’t get much better than spending days off of the DayJob making art.

I’ve been banging out the thank you ATCs for the sponsors,  I’m 24 into the total of 34. Only 10 left. I’m pretty excited about getting them done so timely. I think I can get another 5 or so done today.

I spent Saturday doing my usual art visit with Jane in Salem.We talked about Put it on Paper, our reviews we’ll be doing, updates on the articles for the next issue and things we’ll be doing on the blog. Pretty exciting stuff. Then we spent the rest of the AM drawing around Salem. I also stopped to snap a lot of pics along the way.

In the afternoon, I switched lenses and C and I wandered up to Atomic for some iced caffeinated goodness and then went to sit in the Common. We stumbled upon [space] having an interactive still life. They invited us to sit down and participate, so I did. Now that I’m 10+ years out of college it was a blast listening to the art school kids talk art. I haven’t heard so much art speak in one place since 1998. It was particularly enjoyable to sit down and sketch an everything and the kitchen sink still life, since I haven’t done that since drawing 1. I should have moved around the still life more and tried a few different angles, I really wanted to draw this parrot sculpture again, but instead stuck to my spot and continued on making muddy sketches. It was fun.

The vintage 28-50mm Magnum lens performed really well today when I was in Salem. I picked up a lcd viewfinder  so I could focus the manual lenses in harsh light and it made all the difference in using my vintage manual lenses. Where I was unable to get a sharp focus before I did this time. Perfectly sharp. The Star-d 28mm lens(rebranded vivitar) gives me fits in harsh light. I need to get a lens hood. It completely flairs out and I end up with washed out image. I don’t even get good flair with it, just washed out images. So aggravating. But when it was good it was really good.


magnum lens


magnum lens


star-d lens


star-d lens

Fiddle Jam

On the first and third friday of every month the cafe that I frequent has live traditional music featuring fiddles, banjos, and guitars. The lineup of musicians changes from session to session and they don’t have a list of songs they play, instead they chit chat and play stuff that comes to mind. It’s spontaneous and free flowing music. It’s really cool to watch a bunch of really good musicians jam together. I did a few good drawings but mostly they weren’t very good. Mostly though I simply had a good time drawing and sketching.


Cards Full of Faces

I wanted to show you some of the progress I’m making on the thank you ATC. I’m (as of this writing) on card number 19. I’ve stumbled into some great images in the Flickr Commons of Civil War era people. The great thing about that era is the mustaches on the dudes. There are some seriously awesome mustaches in those archives. The other things that is interesting is the contrast in women’s hair styles, some are completely severe and look like they hurt and others have some unkempt hair.

The interesting thing in the photographs is how washed out many of them are, as if proper lighting wasn’t thought of, or they were purposefully over exposed to hide some wrinkles and other imperfections. The overexposure of much of the face leaves the viewer with sharp contrast around the eyes and clear views of crow’s feet. I really love drawing from these images.

So here you have cards 16 through 19:
I also wanted to show you the business end of the Uniball Signo Bit 0.18 pen I’m using to start most of these images. It’s so small my camera had a really hard time focusing on it. I put my uni kuru toga in the pic to give you a reference of the size of that tip. The kuru toga is a 0.5 tip. The Signo Bit is a 0.18. It’s tiny and allows me to get miniscule hair thin lines. It’s also waterproof and lightfast. It’s not quite as dark a black as the Signo Bit pens but for a micro tip pen it’s pretty great. I highly recommend this pen to anyone who wants a micro tipped pen to throw in their sketching bag. (You can get it at Jetpens as well as refills!)



Well it’s been a crazy few weeks here in Comfortable Shoes Studio. A few weeks back I had car troubles and it completely depleted my reserves. It came as quite a shock when Ning sent me the email telling me that the yearly fee was coming due soon. Now, I know that the fee is due in the last week of July, it’s an every year sort of thing. It’s also one of those things I set out of my mind, especially when things are rough. So I paid for the brake system on one car and then the muffler on the other and didn’t think of poor Ning.

Like many people, I live paycheck to paycheck with a small reserve of funds built up over time. In fact I had been doing pretty well, I had cashed in my stock options, bought a shiny new computer and video camera and paid a bill or two. Needless to say I had a little buyer’s remorse when both cars decided to break down at once. So when that Ning bill came up as due soon, I decided to do my usual funding drive, but unlike most years where I ask for part of the fee, I asked the members for as much of it as we could get.

The outpouring of support, kind emails, and love of the group has been overwhelming and has on more than one occasion brought tears to my eyes. The members of are the best in the world. I received donations from Germany, Australia, Canada, South America, England, and South Africa. I closed donations as soon as we hit the amount needed to pay the fee. After I closed the doors, people still wanted to donate, they sent in tips via the tip jar in the Challenge group. I got many more emails, again positive about the group.

It was simply overwhelming. We raised the full fee in 18 hours.

I’ve received a few extra donations and I’m finding a way to sink that into the site. I decided straight away that the first thing I’d do to thank everyone who donated was send them a handwritten thank you note. After we reached the funding goal in 18 hours I wanted to do something a little more, so I decided I could fit an ATC into each envelope. I cut a bunch of ATC from some nice watercolor paper grabbed my pens and set to work.
I thought that the ATC size would be a fast way to get everyone a small token of thanks. Heh. Heh. Heh. It is small, I’m working with smaller pens- Uniball Signo Bit 0.18 and Signo DX 0.28 in black with a wash of watercolor. These pens are tiny and I decided to stretch my artistic muscles by doing tiny little portraits. It took me a few cards to get accustomed to the ATC size but now I’m 13 cards into making a set of 34. Each card is taking much longer to complete than I had expected. Though I’ve shrunk the size of the portraits down I have not shrunk the time of creation down. Each of the ATC takes as long as a 5×7 inch portrait to create. So I’m spending anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes on each card. I was planning on spending a mere 15 min per card, but working with micro tips simply doesn’t allow me to speed the process up. If anyone ever tells you ATC are easy, they are totally wrong.

I’ve done some of the cards from life while sitting in Atomic Cafe and sipping an iced Americano, the rest have been drawn from images in the Flickr Commons. I’ve been giving my own spin to each image. I’m enjoying the process even if it was unexpected.

Farmer’s Market Tomato

Every Monday I’ve been making time to go to the local farmer’s market and pick up some local bread and produce. I need to draw one of the breakfast rolls that I get from Piantidosi’s bakery but they are so good I can’t draw it before I eat it. (Seriously good, a soft squishy roll with either mocha chips or a fruity cinnamon roll oh yum!) So I’ve stuck to drawing my veggies, primarily my tomatoes. I also drew my  lovely sunny yellow  patti pan squashes. They aren’t pictured. P7104414This little drawing is in my Stillman and Birns Beta series sketchbook with delightful thick 180lb pages that just beg to be saturated with water. The page didn’t buckle or warp, but did swell as I painted, but dried almost completely flat. This is a great sketchbook for ink and watercolor work. I’m pretty excited to say they are coming out with these in a case bound version.

The beta sketchbook won’t need gesso as a surface prep for art journalers. This will be great for those of us who don’t want to bother with gesso on our pages or who want to use fountain pens in our art journals.

I haven’t had enough time with this sketchbook to do a good review but I’m sure this one is going to be as awesome as the rest.

Reflect on 2 years of Drawing Practice


I’ve been doing a lot of research for my pen and ink booklet/class that I intend to release into the world at some point in 2012. One of the books I’ve been reading as part of the research is  “The Naked Art: Why We Draw” by Peter Steinhart. It’s not recommended reading for everyone. His writing while good, might bore anyone not interested deeply in art and why we draw.

I picked it up because it came up in a keyword search of my local library’s books on drawing. I’ve continued to read it because it’s written from the perspective of a person who does not consider himself to be an artist. He writes about how drawing the figure is meditative and trains his brain. There is an entire section devoted to the idea and process of training your brain. If you’ve been reading this blog for any period of time you know that this is a concept that I hold dear and affects me deeply.

This book reminds me of when I decided I wanted to draw better. That was 2 years ago and I knew that what I had ahead of me was work and practice. I gathered my tools and I started to work. I had an understanding of art. After all I had taken drawing and painting in college, but only one included real practical advice for drawing. That one class rocked my world. In one month my drawings went from… not very good to better. Had I stuck with it I can only imagine the draughtsman I would be today. Instead, I saw and felt that drawing was a lot of work and took time I did not have.

So my drawing went by the wayside.

For 10 years I ignored drawing as a skill and a tool that I needed to work on. Instead, I drew when I felt like it and not enough to exercise my brain.


from 2 years ago

When I started to draw again, everything felt stiff, and as if it didn’t work. I produced a lot of terrible drawings, things that I simply flipped the page to the next and moved on from. Each terrible drawing was a learning experience. I had to be sure to NOT let them get me down. Each one was a step forward. Eventually as time went on, my drawings became better and better. At some point, I felt I was getting a realistic enough representation that I could move toward giving my drawings my own style- a tweak, if you will, of me.


from 2 years ago

One of the many things Steinhart probes in his book is the idea that through drawing, we better ourselves. Although I can’t say I’ve bettered myself, I know that through observing the world more closely that I’ve definitely stretched my mind. While sketching, I’ve been able to make some difficult decisions that I’d otherwise not have been able to come to as easily. A rough day at work melts away when I pick up my pens and brush, even if the sketch doesn’t look quite right. The important bit is that I pick up my pens and brushes that day and draw.


recent image

There are many sites that promise success in drawing in 5 to 10 minutes a day, but I don’t think that’s enough time. It’s a great start to get you fully addicted to drawing and it will exercise your mind to increase your ability to look and observe the world around you. 5 or 10 minutes is simply enough to get your drawing to a point where it will rock your world. I draw for the same reasons some of my friends do yoga. I draw because it is as essential to my happiness as eating, drinking and exercise. My friends who do yoga say the same. Yoga is a core part of their day. Without it they would not find themselves centered and rooted in reality.  None of my friends do yoga for only 5 to 10 minutes a day, but rather 20 or 30 minutes. Why are people willing to devote 20 or 30 minutes to exercise their body, yet they avoid spending 20 to 30 minutes to exercise their mind?


recent cafe sketch

Like my friends who do yoga, I was so inspired by my brief time practicing drawing for 15 or so minutes that I found a way to give myself 20 or 30 minutes to draw. I gave up TV. I draw on my lunch breaks. I moved a TV tray table into the office to draw on while my partner studied. I found a way to make 20 or 30 minutes of drawing per day. Now I bring a sketchbook with me everywhere I go and draw every free moment. The time  I spend drawing is never time wasted.

I’m happier, possibly a better person, and definitely more relaxed and centered- all for the cost of a few sketchbook, pens and time.


For me it’s very much worth the time that I spend drawing. I’m happier, possibly a better person and definitely more relaxed and centered, all for the cost of a few sketchbook and pens.

Carnival of Pen, Pencil and Paper

Welcome to the July 3, 2012 edition of carnival of pen, pencil and paper.

art supplies

ComfortableShoes presents Review: Platinum Carbon Black posted at Comfortable Shoes Studio.

Peninkcillin presents Noodler's Fox Red ink review posted at Peninkcillin – A cure for pen and ink addiction is needed.

Sandra Strait presents Life Imitates Doodles: Comparison of the Stillman & Birn Sketchbook Series posted at Life Imitates Doodles

Sandra Strait presents Review & Bleedthrumanades in the Stillman & Birn Epsilon Sketchbook posted at Life Imitates Doodles

Azizah Asgarali presents Review: Pentel Pocket Brush Pen for Calligraphy posted at Gourmet Pens.


Good Pens presents Knock, Knock? posted at Good Pens.

ComfortableShoes presents Review: STAD One Touch Pencil Extender posted at Comfortable Shoes Studio.


East…West…Everywhere presents East…West…Everywhere: Fountain Pen Review: Sailor HighAce Neo posted at East…West…Everywhere.

An Inkophile's Blog presents The Kaweco Classic Sport, A Modern Pocket Pen posted at An Inkophile's Blog.

The Pen Addict presents The Pen Addict – Blog – Hacking a Pilot Hi-Tec-C Refill into a Retro 51 posted at The Pen Addict.

The Inked Nib presents The Inked Nib • Review: Lamy Nexx posted at The Inked Nib.

Peter Warrior presents Pilot B2P Ballpoint Pen Fine 0.7mm Review posted at Tiger Pens Blog.

Maybelline presents On Fountain Pens: Stabilo: Pen 68, point 88 and pointVisco pens posted at On Fountain Pens.

Cheryl from Writer's Bloc presents The Platinum Plaisir vs The Platinum Preppy Fountain Pen posted at Writer's Bloc Blog.

Azizah Asgarali presents Review: Pilot Parallel Calligraphy Pens: 1.5 mm, 2.4 mm, 3.8 mm posted at Gourmet Pens.

Azizah Asgarali presents Review: Render K Aluminum Custom Machined Pen posted at Gourmet Pens.


Tim Leffel presents A Travel Writing 2.0 Conversation with Lavinia Spalding posted at Travel Writing 2.0

Okami0731 presents RAD AND HUNGRY – STMT X Denmark posted at Whatever.

EuropeanPaperCompany presents Guest Post: Sketching + Watercolor in the Stillman & Birn Alpha Art Journal posted at The European Paper Company.

lifeimitatesdoodles presents Comparison of the Stillman & Birn Sketchbook Series « lifeimitatesdoodles posted at lifeimitatesdoodles.

recordingthoughts presents The Leuchtturm 1917 Master Dots 4 Months Later posted at recordingthoughts.


Travisthetrout presents to do lists (and drawing tick boxes) #filofax #icad posted at Notes in a Book.

Jonathan Milligan presents The Benefits of “Morning Pages” and Your Productivity posted at Simple Life Habits

Sandra Strait presents Life Imitates Doodles: New steampunk tangle pattern & Children's book posted at Life Imitates Doodles

Estivalia presents The Girl and the Goldfish posted at 365 Drawings Project"

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of pen, pencil and paper using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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State of the Weekend: radiant

In stark contrast to last week this week has been pretty darn amazing. I’m shocked that so much positivity can be jam packed into one short week, but it can. At the start of the week I went to the Beverly Farmer’s Market and bought some great fresh produce from local  growers and it was amazing. I took a moment to sketch a tomato, see it on PioP. It seemed to set my week off on the right foot. Then in the middle of the week I received a package of Stillman and Birn sketchbooks, if you’ve read here, you know I am already a huge fan. I immediately cracked open a 4×6 hard bound Gamma and wow, just, wow. I’ll have a full review up on Thursday. I’ve been walking more consistently and my ankle is starting to feel better and I find that I have to wear my brace less and less. Which is a giant positive in this heat, since the brace causes much uncomfortableness.
At some point during the week I talked to one of my friends about recent happenings and it caused a shift in my thought processes and a deep realization. I’ll share more in the upcoming weeks. Just know that this realization will involve some major life changes for me and I expect it will make some major differences in the blog, art journaling ning, and life in general.
After the shift in my thinking things only went up from there. I got spectacular news on Friday. Friday night we walked up to Atomic expecting fiddle music only to find that the fiddle music is on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. We sat in the relatively quiet shop and chatted and ran into an old friend. The temperature and humidity were simply perfect for the night and walking.  We also got word that C got the extension on her fellowship.
It’s not so much that I was super positive about things, it’s that I decided that a major and realistic change NEEDED to happen sooner than I had planned and expected. It seems that things are falling into place just as we need them to. This week I’m going to hold that in my thoughts, I’m going to look for one amazing thing and take time for it tomorrow and set my week off on the right foot.