Author Archives: leslie

Musings: Using Up Collectables

I’ve written about using collectable pencils, pens, and paper in the past. I’m a combined collector and user of materials. I see the real value of a tool in its eventual use, and what it was used to make. My Field Notes have little value to me until I fill them with my thoughts. My various Baronfig and Blackwing pencils are just pencils until I whittle them down via my writing.

I went through a major office reorganization and clean out post Work from Home (WFH) and discovered a lot of stuff really. I have about 40 composition notebooks that are empty, a drawer full of journals to be used, I had 15 pencils cups full of pencils in various states of disuse. The end result was chaos.

Things had to change, largely due to space constraints- the office needs to be usable for both my partner and myself, but because my partner works from home the office needs to be largely useful for her, while my office needs are smaller- I need to get at my sewing machine, and my keyboard, and a spot to read. Having 15 pencil cups is ridiculous. Having boxes and boxes of pencils I’ll never use is also ridiculous.

I filled a medium flat rate box with pencils and pens. They’ll get donated to a school in the near future.

To avoid my urge to add more pencil cups to my desk I gave myself 1 dozen in a single cup, with the rule that I’ll sharpen them down and when I finish one, I’ll reach into a box and pull out one at random to replace it. I’m whittling them down as I write and fill composition notebooks.

As for pens. Well, I’m figuring that out. I mostly use ink at work but I also want to drain a few pens. I found a hoard of fountain pens that had slid into a drawer… still full of ink. They are soaking now, and I’ll get them clean and dry and I’ll figure out what I’ll do with them later.
I’ve realized through my somewhat compulsive collection of pencils, pens and paper (other stationery goods) that there are things I’m drawn to use and those that I just wish to look at for awhile. I’m drawn to use soft dark smooth writing pencils, inks with sheen, and things that feel pleasant in my hand. I like to use these on inexpensive paper that has been a good deal. I create value through the use of my materials. While they may have value to others while they are empty and collect dust on my shelves, I wish to create more value through their use.

Will I stop buying limited editions? Probably not entirely, but I’m definitely reducing my purchases and focusing on use. Inside each limited edition is the same core/paper as the regular editions, simply at a higher price and I have to determine how much the look of something pleases me over the regular edition.

Review: Musgrave Tennessee Red Pencils

Musgrave recently went through an upgrade to their web presence and added a few new pencils to their line up. One of these is the Tennessee Red. This upgrade included an upgraded website, and web presence in general. They hired a great marketing team to do this work for them, and really it has brought the formerly dated site and presence into a modern era, and even made their website usable! I’m happy to see a venerable American pencil brand embrace the future and make their products available for more people.

Let’s talk about the Tennessee Red pencil. First, the presentation. WOW. Old Musgrave packaging consisted of a thin plastic bag that is heat sealed shut, one clear side and one white side. It looked and felt, well cheap. The packaging for the Tennessee Red is lovely. It’s a sliding cardboard box that protects the pencils from banging about in shipping and looks stunning. The bright cherry red with white lettering is an immediate classic and eye catching. I love the sliding box and how it feels both retro and modern at the same time. Retro in that pencil packaging once looked like this and modern in that we haven’t seen anything like this on the market in a long time. Sure Blackwing used cleave for the Volumes but this is so simple and effective I can’t help but to enjoy everything about this packaging.

Nestled in the box are a dozen lightly but glossy lacquered natural pencils. I wish they were raw wood, but I can’t win every time. Even with the light lacquer you can smell the cedar as soon as you open the package. Once sharpened my whole office smelled of cedar. Amazing. The red imprint is perfect and sharp and has historic calls out with the little 3 star Tennessee logo and the new Musgrave logo. A golden ferrule holding a crisp white eraser completes the look. An added bonus is that the eraser? It works. Which has been a point of steady complaint over the years. They work well too.

Musgrave has stepped up their pencil game.

The cedar is red cedar and delightfully fragrant. It reminds me of the slats of cedar you can buy for your closet to deter moths. It is a tad dense and my duller sharpeners seemed to struggle with it but my classroom friendly and Apsara hacked did really well. I immediately sharpened 4 of them. The hex is a traditional Musgrave sharp, and I really do wish they’d gone with a soft hex, because I don’t love a sharp hex but there is so much to love about this pencil.

I suppose a review of these can’t be made without mentioning the centered-ness of the cores. There are a few off center cores, only one or two of mine were badly off center. The rest were fine and in what I would think of as well within usability limits. More on this point in a minute. Let’s talk about that delicious core. It’s dark. It’s smooth. With my long point sharpeners it’s perfect. It’s also great for sketching. I’d say this is a good multi use pencil, you can get some decent gradation out of it and as such wouldn’t need to carry a full pencil case for writing or sketching.

I love everything about these pencils, their imperfections in wood and centered-ness mean that I don’t feel precious with them. I want to sharpen them up. At $9 a dozen they aren’t cheap but they aren’t $30 a box either. I don’t feel guilt in chewing through these. These are pencil lover’s pencils not pencils for collectors. I mean sure go ahead and buy some for your collection too, but buy a pack to use as well. The silky smooth graphite cased in fragrant cedar brings back pleasant childhood memories of back to school shopping and school. That Musgrave went with a usable eraser (though I rarely use the erasers on my pencils) is an added bonus. The red imprint paired with the gold ferule and white eraser with that luscious pink tan wood is pencil perfection. Sure they need to work on core centered-ness, but I for one will support Musgrave with another purchase (or two) of these pencils.

I’m late to reviewing these. Check out Johnny’s review here and Anna’s here and Deon’s here.

Again this review is brought to you by supporters and readers of this blog who have headed to my Ko-Fi page and supported me one or two coffees at a time. The money gifted through coffee is used for some coffee but mostly buying more pens and pencils and stationery supplies to review. I appreciate each and every coffee purchased and gifted to me. I have the best readers!

Review: Musgrave News 600 Pencil

I’m not gonna lie, the News 600 is a favorite of mine. If you’ve had a chance to use a Eberhard Faber Ebony pencil before they were purchased and ruined by Rubbermaid, well this is as good if not better. A bold claim, but buy a pack and be impressed.

Let’s start with packaging. It’s that shitty plastic bag again. Clear on one side, white on the other heat sealed on both ends. UGH. I hate plastic for one, but also this offers zero protection for your pencils in shipping. So shipping packaging is important to keep them safe. Most places I’ve ordered these use a nice stiff mailer, and if you buy direct from Musgrave, you’ll get yours safe. I do wish that Musgrave would switch to a paper envelope or box for their pencils. Even if it had a window in it, it would be better for the environment than the crappy plastic bag. I can dream.

This round pencil is basic. That’s okay because this is a workhorse and you won’t care that it looks so basic, because it works. The exterior is a thin but even shiny black lacquer over what I believe to be basswood. The imprint is white and clearly printed. The letters are a mix of large and small. I like it. Simple and effective labeling. Easy to read.

The cores on all of mine were centered. It’s a slightly larger than average core and it sharpens well. I did find that the cores can snap, but I think that is largely due to the sharpener I was using. Though I’ll say it plays well with even my Pollux when it has a sharp blade. My hacked Apsara sharpener does amazing things to this pencil. The extraordinary long point produced pairs so well with this pencil that I fail to reach for any other sharpener.

The core is soft and dark. It’s great for a slick page, since it lays down loads of graphite with little pressure. This pencil with a light hand lends itself to long writing sessions, since it glides across the page with a silky smooth feel. When sketching you can create light lines with a deft hand or deep darks and bold strokes with more pressure. Because it is soft, it doesn’t retain its point well.

Overall if you are looking for a deeply dark silky smooth pencil for writing or sketching the Musgrave News 600 is a great choice. Just don’t expect it to hold a point for long when writing, when sketching it’ll make your day as that point wears down to the page.

Get some directly from Musgrave here.

These were purchased with funds from my Ko-fi supporters. Head on over to Ko-fi and slap that button and purchase some “coffee” for me. Not gonna lie, some of the funds do go for coffee, but most do go directly to buying materials for review. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate each and every coffee purchased. It takes about 2 to buy  a pack of pencils for review but it has opened up the realm of possibility for me to get more materials in here and test them out.

Making the Blackwing One Step Long (ish) Point Sharpener Better

The Blackwing One Step Durable Point Sharpener does an okay job, but if you want to carry it as pocket bling, well, you have to understand that it is a lot like carting around a salt shaker full of graphite dust in your pocket.

It turned everything in that pocket a lovely shade of silver gray, and my fingers came away with a dusting, and the graphite leaked through and onto my thigh. UGH. C’mon!

I decided I needed to cork it up. I’ve cut two little plugs. One from a wine cork that feels fiddly and works well enough and one from a pink pearl. you cannot pull an eraser from any average sized pencil, a semi-jumbo or jumbo could be whittled to fit.

I sat with a craft knife and whittled the edge of eraser down and plugged the hole. Now I can carry around the BWOSDPS in my pocket and not get dusted with graphite. Sweet.

Review: Crayola Graphite No.2/HB Pencils

I had never seen Crayola graphite pencils so when these popped up on my Amazon suggested items page, I hit buy. For  $4.99 I received 12 round pencils in a decent cardstock box. The pencils are round and painted bright yellow with green lettering, a black ferrule and a colored plastic eraser. The lacquer is thick and glossy, and evenly applied. 

The graphite is dark and smooth. I really like writing with them. A nice long point sharpener lets these write for pages with a nice dark line. The sharpener aspect of these is the downside. They don’t perform well with most hand sharpeners. They are made of what smells like pine. When I use handheld long point sharpeners the wood does not respond well. It grabs the blade and resists sharpening. The graphite sharpens up beautifully every time.

When I use a Deli 133 or my lovely Classroom Friendly sharpener this pencil is great. If I have to sharpen with my handheld sharpeners it’s not great. It’s a shame they used this terrible wood for this pencil. Sadly it ruins a rather nice pencil.

These were purchased with funds from readers! Folx smashed that ko-fi button on the right sidebar and gave me a bunch of coffees so I could buy more pencils, pens and paper to review! If you find my reviews helpful consider giving me a coffee or two and feel free to drop some comments or feedback!

Review: Seed Clear Radar Eraser

It has been quite a long time since I reviewed an eraser. The standard to which I hold ALL erasers to are the Sakura Foam and Sumo. These two soft sticky erasers work so well that I rarely reach for another brand or style. Remember when I say sticky, I mean that the dust is self clumping not actually sticky in tactile feel.

The idea of a clear eraser intrigues me. And the Seed Clear Radar is clear, though not perfectly. The cut edges of the eraser are not clear and once you eraser with an edge that bit becomes frosted, which admittedly is neat. Usually erasers arrive in a little card sleeve, the Clear Radar as a plastic sleeve with pale and dark blue printing. It’s pretty, at first. After a bit of pocket carry, it develops a patina. The eraser picks up a lot of stuff from dust to bits of graphite. It arrived dusted with talc or something of the sort but to get my pics I wiped that off, whatever it was dusted with kept it from sticking to the plastic sleeve. I suspect this might be why it has a plastic sleeve, though I’d prefer a card sleeve.

How well does it work? Both well and not well. You’ll note that in the pictures the softer darker pencils such as the palomino HB, Vintage EF Mongol #1, and Palomino MMX all have smears of graphite around the very cleanly erased portion of the lines. The eraser smears things about before grabbing every bit of graphite from the paper. These Up+Up cards are rough with loads of nooks and crannies for graphite to hide, the Clear Radar pulled the graphite out. For erasing in text it’s difficult if there isn’t a sharp edge. I also notice that the eraser works much better after a bit of erasing, so it needs to be warmed. This isn’t unusual when it comes to sticky or clumping erasers.

Overall this isn’t a bad eraser, it’s a bit of a gimmick but it’s really cool. I’m going to try to cut a few chunks to use in my blackwings and hackwings. At a price of under $2 it’s not a bad way to get your JetPens order over that $25 free shipping limit. 🙂

Review: Leuchtturm1917 Der Drehgriffel

My friend told me she was ordering from L1917 and that she was getting a pen, asking me if I’d seen them yet. I had not and wow did I want one. I had the last $25 from recent Ko-Fi coffees and I decided that the Der Drehgriffel would be mine.

The big question with a pen like this is what kind of refill would it take and what color would I order. I chose the red my friend ordered the denim color. Both are stunning. The muted colors are lovely but I like my bright VW red pen. It’s matte finish is smooth in the hand and surprisingly grippy for a painted metal pen. The logo and name are screen printed onto the barrel and feel slightly raised when I run my fingers over them. The contrasting cream is a nice touch. The hex barrel is rounded at the points, so it doesn’t hurt to use. 

At the very tip of the pen is a brass insert that holds the refill in place snuggly, so there is little play as you write. The brass at the tip serves to bring the balance of the pen ever so slightly forward, increasing the comfort of a compact pen. This is not a big pen and it’s relatively lightweight. I suspect most of it is made of aluminum while the innards of the twist mechanism is made of a combination of metal and plastic. Set inside the barrel are a couple of threads one at the tip end the other in the middle area of the pen where pieces screw in. These look like they are press fit and glued into place. Care should keep them in place for the long haul

The grippy twist mechanism can be twisted in one hand and is a springy fidget, that would be as annoying as clicking a click nock over and over. It’s smooth and makes a satisfying click as it snaps into place. I like it a lot.

Inside the Drehgriffel takes a standard parker G2 refill. You can get rollerball, gel, and ballpoint refills just about anywhere from Amazon to Staples. I’ve picked up a pair of my favorite blue-black Monteverde gel refills in fine for this pen and I am prepared for the improvement over the ballpoint. I will say that the Schmidt EasyFlow9000 (rebranded for L1917) is a solid smooth efficient rollerball. It’s nice, but I like gel ink.

I’m not a packaging keeper, but I adore the minimal recyclable packaging. Other than the small plastic circle holding the packaging closed it is 100% paper and thus went 100% into the recycling. 

The twist mechanism also doesn’t seem to twist in my pocket, and yes, I’m dumb enough that after ruining 2 pairs of my favorite work pants that I dumped the pen into my favorite jeans pocket and into a pair of chinos JUST TO TEMPT fate. But not ink spots in my pants or lines drawn onto my wallet. So I’m lucky I guess. The pen also didn’t suffer from banging around with my Kershaw Chive. So that paint job is pretty sturdy.

So this is a $25 pen. It is an investment, I’ve written at length about why one should buy a refillable pen. It is not simply an environmental thought, there’s a certain amount of friendship that you build with a tool you use for a long period of time. They develop patina and wabi-sabi and a uniqueness that is yours. Your hand becomes familiar with the tool. I will say that der Drehgriffel is a great addition to any pen lover’s toolkit. You will want to use it again and again.

Review: Up&Up Ruled Index Cards

These are a favorite of mine. I buy a few packs every back to school season. They are cheap at 49 cents a pack of 100 and are available in lined, graph, and blank. Plus I’ve seen neon and pastel shades. These are no where near the best,  but they are serviceable.

So what do I like about them? They have nice tooth for graphite and work well with gel pens, they do okay with some fountain pen inks, but not great. The printing is tight but the blue lines are super thin and barely there. You know how I love a ruling that disappears.

The worst aspect about these? They are thin and floppy. I could chop up cheap printer paper and have a heavier “card.” These are 3×5 sheets of heavy paper.

These are responsibly sourced (so they claim) and are made in the USA. 

Review: Myndology Index Card Pad

It is well established how much I love an index card. I love cheap and expensive alike. I also love a dot grid card. I’ve printed my own with middling success. When I saw the Myndology cards at Walmart, I had to get a pack. These are also made in the USA.

These cards are padded, that is they are stacked onto a backing with a cover sheet and then glued at the top with a thin bead of plastic glue. This holds the cards together and safe from harm. These do tear off mostly cleanly. Sometimes padded paper is left with a bit of glue at the top of the sheet or tears as you remove them. These cards tear from their glue cleanly and any excess is easily removed.

The cards are bright white and smooth but toothy. They aren’t particularly heavy weight, and there isn’t any weight information about them on the package. The dots are dark gray and spaced ¼ of an inch or 6mm apart. The dots are TINY. Due to the width of the spacing the dots do disappear despite being somewhat too dark. (I do prefer a pale dot that disappears behind both pencil and ink. The back of each card is blank.

The card has a nice tooth for pencil and is smooth enough for a fountain pen. Fountain pen performed admirably on the page, there wasn’t any feathering or bleed through and lines were true to nib size. In fact all my writing tools performed well on this paper. 

The pack costs $1.97 for only 75 cards. 3 cents a card. That is pretty pricey especially when we look at other cards on the market.

Review: Pen+Gear Heavyweight Ruled Index Cards

This package of 100 cards cost a whole 78 cents. In the past the P+G regular cards were great with a whole variety of materials. How do these stack up? (ugggghhhhh) Surprisingly, or not, well.

Let’s start with the good. These cards are thick. They are card not thick paper! WOW. It’s been years since I’ve seen a real card index card.* The card is a nice bright wide. They respond really well to everything from pencil to fountain pen to gel ink. No feathering or bleed or show through, just solid performance. Oh before I forget, they are GREAT with pencil too, loads of tooth for HB leads to look good.

The worst part about these cards is that the ruling is a little bright and thick for my taste. 

At 78 cents for 100 of thick actual heavyweight cards? Deal. Sure you have to go to Walmart to partake but…

*Not really the Nock cards are real card.