Category Archives: Inspiration

Review: Xtras for Creative Learning

past Saturday I went to Xtras for Creative Reuse. It’s this place where
you pay a small membership fee ($5) and then you can buy a full grocery bag
full of stuff for $8. They have other membership levels taht allow you to buy full carts of stuff or several bags at a time. They get off cuts and useful waste from businesses and
other things. They had the leftovers from an entire office that closed
down, from footrests to paperclips. They also had leftover and miss
embroidered items from a shop that makes patches. Large sheets of paper,
fabrics and yarn. It’s basically a massive junk shop. If you think like
me, it’s a toy shop.

get there I had to travel into Lynn, MA and down a few side streets to a
spot just off the Lynnway. I should have shot a few pics of the
building. It was one of the huge old industrial buildings with high
ceilings and 100 years of history. It was attractive in that old factory
warehouse kind of way. The area is kinda rough and like much of Lynn
kind of run down. Once I climbed the 3 flights of stairs to their suite I
was surrounded by stuff. All kinds of great recycled cast off stuff.
Entire offices had been dumped into this place, all of it mine for the
taking provided I could stuff it into the shopping bag they provided. There was loads of old Reebok schwag, the kind of stuff company employees are given to make them feel good.

I found all kinds of great stuff for my art. If you have a place like Xtras near you you should check it out.

Next time I'm there I'll snag some pics.

Follow them on facebook!

Phase 3 of the Big Thing

can finally reveal part 3 of the “big thing.” Part 3 of the big thing
is that I’m leaving my job the second week of May. I’m going to spend
the summer making art, working on my online art classes as well as
retooling my class site, art journaling ning. It’s not an optimal time
for me to leave my job but I figured if I don’t make the leap now I’d
never take a summer off, and well, I wanted to try and see if I can make
books, paint and write classes. I’ve got plans for a funky thing that
I’m going to call an artist’s zine/book. Super limited edition type of
thing, hand made, thick with my writing and lots of art journaling
goodies packed in. I’ve got a couple of class planned out. I’m at the
fleshing them out stage and outlining for videos stage. Lots of good
things going on.

sure many of you have heard rumors about ning’s decision to restructure
and increase prices. Ning has moved from ning 2 to Ning 3.0 status. I
have a year and a half to change to Ning 3.0. The problem is that Ning
3.0 does not have all the features that we currently use on
ArtJournaling ning. Though they may add them at some point. The second
problem is that it’s increasing the price from a moderate $250/yr to
about $600/yr. This is pretty drastic. A big part of what I’ve been
doing these last few weeks (when I haven’t been blogging) is exploring
other options for AJ ning. I’ve made no secret that I’ve been less than
pleased with ning’s formats and options for classes. It’s a pain for
the presenters to set up classes, and when I have guest teachers most
cannot figure out how to update the class. This makes a lot of work for
me on the back end of things, and while I’ve been working it’s been a
total pita.

replacement is designed for education and I’ve had a few people check
out the site and they’ve told me it’s easy to navigate, easy to
interact, and easy to look at. It’s not ready for new people yet, as I’m
still tweaking the formating and working on the site. Not to worry, AJ
ning is staying online.

yeah, the new site is going to have an art journaling wiki. Super easy
to search, loads of info, the ability to ask questions, and loads of
links to videos and blogs.

Holy crapola, I’m excited!

Step One of the “Big Thing”

I can share with you now part 1 of the “big thing.”

I received my acceptance letter for Lesley University’s Expressive
Therapies program with a specialization in Art Therapy and Mental Health
Counseling. I’ll probably take the 3 year track to complete the program
starting this Fall. How exciting is that?
image from

hope to learn how to take my art journaling techniques and turn them
into  more therapeutic (and licensed) practices. I have lots of great
plans and ideas, but those will have to wait for another month or so
before I can share them with you. Needless to say I’m pretty excited.

Article from Shambhala Sun magazine

been trying to read more lately and a friend gave me a copy of last
months Shambala Sun*. It had a number of interesting articles in it but
one that I particularly enjoyed was called “What’s Your verdict?” by
Bonnie Friedman. While it was written with the writer in mind it also
applies to the artist.

premise of the article is that people tend to diminish their happiness
over success when it is finally achieved. So you achieve success and
allow yourself only a little happiness if any at all. This explains the
dull feeling people sometimes get after achieving success. As an
example, let’s say you have an art journaler you respect, you decide you
want to share work with that person (in their ning group) and you hope
that someday that person takes notice and says something good about
 your work. FInally it happens and for a fleeting moment you feel good
but you discount it by telling yourself, “Eh, it’s just one comment.”
Or, “What she said wasn’t that great.” even though something good
happened you let your inner critic diminish the impact.

the idea of the article is a good one about your inner critic and how
to deal with it, which is a very Chapter 2 of JF365 type of thing. You
should check it out.

It’s a Process

been sick, in more ways than one. I’ve had a sinus infection. It’s
knocked me on my ass. I’ve also been dealing with disappointment. Abject
utter disappointment. Disappointment so deep it hurts. I let myself
wallow in it and be consumed with the feeling. The feeling making my
sinus infection seem a hundred times worse than perhaps it was. Or maybe
it was just that bad* that it could make me feel so helpless.

cause of the disappointment is not important other than to me. I’ve
spent the last few days in a fever induced haze of misery, scribbling in
my art journal and watching TV on my laptop and sleeping.
scrawling and scribbling in my art journal don’t reveal much to me. It
chronicles my self-centered misery, my sadness and my sneezes.**
one page, a meditative page I did in a sort of mandala style. It’s also
self centered, in that there is an image of me in the middle of the
page. Radiating out from the center of the image (at the sinuses
interestingly enough) are layers of circles filled with various
patterns, alternating colors, lines, rays, circles, sheep, and gears.
All of this done on a hot colored background in cool colors.
I had not planned the imagery it matches the evolution of my thoughts
over the last few days, from useless rage and helplessness to being able
to think clearly on the problem at hand and coming up with a plan that
may work. It’s not done yet, but I like where it’s going

Continue reading

PostSecret at Endicott College

you’ve followed me on twitter or facebook for any amount of time you
know I’m a huge fan. I’ve been watching the site for
years now. I’ve watched it grow from something small to being a huge
hit. If you aren’t familiar with the site, Frank invites you to send a
postcard containing your secret to him completely anonymously. I’ve seen
a great many secrets that resonate with me, and perhaps that’s why I
continue to go to the site every Monday to see the Sunday secrets. Maybe
it’s because I’ve got a few secrets of my own, or maybe I find it to be
a deeply interesting idea. Whatever it is, you should check out the
site, and maybe send your secret into Frank.

I've been waiting for years to see Frank speak somewhere near me. I've missed him a couple of time in Boston and once in another city nearby. When I saw he was going to be at a college in my city, I jumped on the opportunity. I dragged C along for the ride.

If you get a
chance go see Frank speak, I strongly urge you to go. It’s worth your time to hear his beautiful
words, the words of the people there and the images he shares. Take
someone you love, it could change their life, or yours.

(I was only allowed to take pics for the first 5 minutes of the event, after that no photos were allowed.)

Art Days

and I decided to do an arty day where we got together at Jane’s house
and we both brought some materials the other hadn’t ever used. This way
we got to test drive materials in our art journals so we’d get an
informed opinion on them before going out and spending a bunch of money
on them. It also gave us a field trip with our JF365 journals.
was able to test out a whole slew of colored pencils and water soluble
colored pencils. I’ll be doing reviews on everything I tested out over
the next few weeks. The pencils I tested out include Koh-i-nor
Progresso, Faber-Castell Polychrome, Derwent Inktense, Derwent Aquatone,
among several others. We had several full hours of chit chat and art

If you have
an arty friend near to you, I definitely suggest scheduling a day of
art material testing and art! It was a ton of fun!

Toner Transfer Journal Junky Style

The Journal Junkies use toner transfers in their journals. I'm always jealous of well done toner transfers, as mine have almost always failed. Goof off is the first product I've used that gives great results. Watch the video, and work in a well ventilated area away from flames.