This is a neat little animation featuring a notebook as a backdrop. I’m pretty sure it’s only MADE to look like stop motion animation but tis’ pretty sweet anyway. I liked it quite a bit.
Category Archives: Inspiration
More Moleskine Inspiration
Another moleskine brand sketchbook. I like this one too.
Moleskine Inspiration
Check out this cool Moleskine brand Japanese fold notebook. I particularly like the smoke treatment.
Capricorn Artist Collage making techniques
I’m a big fan of Gary Reef’s work even if I question it’s archival stability. Painting acrylic over oils will lead to issues in the future, the acrylic will eventually peal off the top of it, but damn it’s so purty I can’t still looking. I love how he wantonly mixes his materials and makes beautiful techniques that would have given my art profs in college heart attacks. (Oils and acrylic arggghhh…..) That being said I wonder how onde could create some of these techniques without the mad mixing?
Inspiration Saturday: MIllande’s Garden Studio
Check out Millande's little garden art studio. I say little, when I mean "OMG! LOOK AT ALL THAT COPIOUS SPACE! WOW!"
Stop Animation- Drawing Dummy
Little gems like this are why I love the internet and YouTube!
Part 2 Calder Circus
More Calder inspiration:
Alexander Calder’s Circus… A little inspiration.
Happy New Year!
I hope that everyone out there had a fantastic 2007 and
that, thus far, your 2008 is off to a great start. Best wishes to everyone out
there for a great year!