Category Archives: Inspiration
Insane Continuous Doodle
Go check this page out. If you are on a slow connection it will take forever to load. Amazing stuff, mezmerizing.
Starting off the Grand Experiment
I picked up a selection of needle point and ultra fine point pens from Uniball to use as part of the experiment Jane and I are conducting for the next issue of Put it on Paper as well as a regular blog feature. I can’t wait to tell you more about it. I had planned on using them ONLY for the experiment, but, well, I’ve gotten addicted. Damn these things are crazy fun. I could use my rapidocraft pens but these are so much smoother and I can use them at an angle, which means I can sketch more comfortably. The ink is gel style so it doesn’t feather, spread or bleed. I get a perfect smooth line. Better yet, it’s pigmented, fade resistant and waterproof when dry. Which means I can slosh watercolors on it ASAP.
I think I’ve died and gone to ink heaven.
I’m pretty stoked.
Within this post are a selection of drawings done with the Uniball Signo bit 0.18 and Signo DX in 0.28 and 0.38. (With a smattering of brush pen and watercolor added, because I can’t restrain myself.)
It’s Alive! Put it on Paper!
I am absolutely overjoyed to tell you that the new zine Put it on Paper is on sale starting today. 6 months ago Jane and I sat in Jaho Cafe in Salem Mass during our regular art dates when we started to talk about zines and how cool Art Journaling: It’s All Good was and how I rather missed putting together a zine and that I had some ideas for one off solo publications. Jane casually suggested we do another zine together. After some chatting the basic idea of Put it on Paper was born.
After that meeting we’ve met nearly every weekend for the last 6 months to chat about art and the zine. PioP (as I like to abbreviate it) is a testament to perseverance, there were several issues that made us both think that at times PioP just wouldn’t happen. It’s amazing how fast something like this finally comes together.
What is amazing about the 2 of us working on this have also been working full time jobs plus part time gigs on top of working on this zine. It wasn’t the easiest thing in the world but it’s made me realize that no matter what whatever we can do it. No matter what happened during the time we worked on this we finally got it together and got it done.
I’m so proud.
The digital download is $7 and the print copy is $14 + shipping. You get a free digital download with your print copy
Get it here:
Awesome Day
Occasionally my DayJob is beyond awesome. Yesterday I got to meet the guys behind, see the tail end of them hanging a show, and then my coworker asked me for some interview questions. We all know how much I like to pester artists with questions. (Wait until you see my interview with Ted Micu in the first issues of Put it on Paper!) I got my coworker to agree that I could cross post the blog, with a link, to my blog here. So you guys are in for a treat, an improtu interview with a really inspiring artist. Plus some great pictures.
Here are a few teaser pics:
How Creativity Works
Another Midori Traveller Notebook Knock Off Idea
I wanted to add 2 more journals to my MTNKO. I saw a blog post somewhere, I cna't remember the blog that added a additional pockets to the notebook through the use of a rubber band. I decided to use that idea to add 2 more notebooks. I wanted to have my general idea notebook, a notebook for PioP and another sketchbook. To do this hack you'll need the following:
A medium length thin rubber band or a loop of the elastic you used to make you MTNKO
2 Notebooks
Slide the rubber band through the center of one notebook then the other,so they are attached spine to spine. Slide one notebook under the notebook already in your MTNKO.
Here's a helpful video of the process.
Latest Challenge
The latest Challenge is up on AJ Ning. Head on over and check it out. Lot's of messy fun!
State of the Weekend: An Everything Journal
I was given another glimpse into just how powerful art journaling can be last night. I had an idea for Put it on Paper, something that I had rolled around in my brain once before and pushed off as not possible and not a very good idea at the time, but I’d made note of it in my art journals, made some doodles and wrote it down.
I quickly flipped through the last 2 journals where I knew the info to be, tabbed those pages with a little Post it flag, and then used my iPoo Touch to snap some pics, shelved the books and took the info with me, in my pocket. I sketched out a quick idea in my art journal of what I thought this idea could look like and emailed it to Jane. As I relaxed into bed, I reviewed the pages on my iPoo and made some fresh notes and doodles about the content of the proposal.
How amazing is it that I can carry 4 journal’s worth of info in my pocket? I read somewhere that someone scanned their notebook pages into their computer and used a specific program to make them searchable. How cool is that?
If you have an art only journal consider carrying an everything art journal with you everywhere, it will prove itself to be indispensible in short order. (Check out a variety of pockete sized notebooks for this, or make your own pockeet noteboook using my tutorial here.)
Make it Yourself: Midori Traveler Notebook Knock Off
Make your own version of the Midori Traveler Notebook Knock Off.
Materials you'll need:
- Round Elastic Cord
- 6×9 inch sheet of leather
- Lighter
- Hammer
- 3/32in hole punch
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Exacto Knife
I'm not overly happy with the quality of this video. I'm still working out which video settings to use for upload to youtube.