I’m at the halfway point for the 30 in June and I’ve learned a few things.
I’m starting to feel constrained by the chosen size of the page, this
is causing me to work in my other art journal a lot more. I’ve been
working about 8×11 for the last year, up from my usual 6×9 or 4×6 inch
journal that i’ve always used.
find that because I’ve been working larger for about a year that I’m
working in a different style that I used to when working in the 5×7 inch
size. It’s much looser and free. I’m using big bold colors, big bold
brush strokes, and a lot of color opposites.

content to stick with watercolors and my usual supplies. I thought that
after a week or so I’d be reaching for acrylics, but I’m not, which is
surprising to me.
I’m loving layers more than ever. A layer of collage, a layer of
watercolor, layer of collage, a layer of writing, a layer of colored
usually work on pages in my art journal over the course of several days
or weeks, adding watercolor and collage in layers, flipping back and
forth between pages and adding bits here and there. I can’t do this when
I’m posting a page a day on the blog and Etsy.

I like that I’m forcing myself to work on just one page a day. It changes my methods and shakes me up a bit, in a good way.
I’ll change for next year? I’ll probably work larger. I’ll pick one
image per week as a minimum to load to etsy, this will allow me to work
on several pages at once and in my usual method.