Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wordy Weekender: Real Friends

Earlier on twitter I started a series of tweets with the hashtag #trollz. It was juvenile and to me, funny. Ricë said it was too negative. I was attempting to get a group of people talking about the recent rash of trollz in the art twitter-verse. I ended up encouraging people to tweet about a more positive bend with the hashtag #realfriends. It got some conversation going.

I have written before about how I think internet issues should be handled, like adults and “behind the scenes.” Etsy calls the public outing of a person “naming and shaming.” I had a recent interaction with an Etsy seller, who I shall not name*, that was negative. In fact I left my first negative feedback on Etsy, ever, in years of purchases and sales, I’ve never left negative feedback.  Selling me something and then never shipping it, is a reason to leave negative feedback.

What I did, I propose all people do if they are cheated on Etsy, eBay, or another sales site. Handle it appropriately; first file a claim with PayPal. I pay for everything online with my paypal card. Why? I can file a claim in all of 2 minutes no matter how I use it. It’s easy, painless, and fast. I keep an eye out, if I don’t get my purchase within 2 weeks, I write in my planner when 30 days is up. At the 15 day mark I contact the seller and try and resolve thing privately. If I still do not get satisfaction or I’ve been assured that the product has been shipped, I contact the seller again at 30 days. At this point I give them an ultimatum, give me a tracking number in 24 hours or I contact paypal and file a dispute.

I don’t back down. I draw a line and I stand behind it.  If I don’t get a tracking number I file a dispute with paypal. I’ve had to do this twice, and in each instance I’ve gotten my money back in 24 hours.

What I don’t do is make public tweets, defamatory comments, or anything that could be libelous or slanderous. I try and keep in mind that most of the people I deal with online are real people, trying to make a living just like me. When I’m a happy customer I talk about those instances, I rave about great customer service and FAST shipping. I make positive tweets, face book posts, and blog posts. What I don’t want to do is tear people down, I want to build up the people that are doing a good job and send them more business. **

In my personal dealings I never want people to think of me as a troll, it is to me perhaps the absolute worst insult one can throw on the internet. Trollz ruin internet fun and activities. When a troll enters the chat you are on high alert, worried about the inevitable contrary attacks on some little comment. If you say you love something they hate it and disparage it. They call you names, make fun of your appearance, and send you private messages in the hopes to get you going. They make empty threats and say nasty things. Internet drama is a drug for them and they feed off of it, they are addicted to the high of making others feel bad. For a moment the delight of making someone’s day a little worse builds them up. The problem with any addiction is its need to be fed, constantly, as the addiction grows the need for the high grows and soon enough all the troll does is seek a new thrill. It’s a sad spiral.

I suspect and hope that this post will be the last post you hear from me on the subject of trollz. I’ve gone through and blocked them all and won’t look at them again. I suggest you do the same, they aren’t worth your time.

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Not So Wordy Wednesday

It’s wordy Wednesday again! How the time flies. I’ve been sick, yet again, some sort of sinus thing and I managed to catch a company policy manual with my face. Needless to say I’ve been feeling a little under the weather and foolish.  Paper cuts on the nose will do that to you, every time.

I’ve been in a rut.  There I said it. I haven’t written in about 2 weeks. I’ve done some art but it hasn’t held the kind of feeling that I usually get from it. Instead it’s been flat, lifeless, and without passion. Add to that my weird sinus issue seems to be back, after only a week of it being gone and well I’m making excuses. My face and sinuses hurt, though I suspect the book to the face only did minor damage and really the issue is with my sinus issues.

Excuses. Really I need to let them go and get back to doing what I do. Writing and art needs to be something I stop avoiding, well I’m not avoiding I’m simply too tired after a full day at the DayJob to really get anything done.

I can’t wait for spring, this cold snow filled winter really has been hard.

Word Power Blah Blah Blah

I went on a tirade on twitter about the word tribe. I was annoyed because I’d followed a link to a link to a link for a blog that referred to paying members of an online group and advertisers as their “tribe.”  It rubbed me the wrong way.  Is that the real meaning of tribe? Or is it that language has changed so much over the last few years that it’s okay to refer to people who pay you for a service rendered as part of your tribe?

Words have meaning, words have power, blah de frickin’ blah. I’d like to go out on a limb and suggest that misusing a word or phrase has power too.  I’m not suggesting anything about being political correct.  It’s about how people misuse words, sometimes on a daily basis, and not bothering to actually learn the actual meaning of the word in question. My problem here is willful ignorance not the lack of political correctness. It’s the fact that the writer, a term I’m using loosely here, didn’t bother to use or even pick up a dictionary and look up the term before labeling her customers and clients as her tribe. It is clever marketing, if somewhat ignorant and insulting to the reader*.

I often see this trend online. One marketer** will decide to appropriate a term for his/her use and stick to it over and over and over, creating their own meaning and the people that read their blog, books, and articles eventually come to associate that meaning with the word.  This mutability is what makes language so fascinating and beautiful.

I will continue to stick to my meaning of tribe that states that unless you are Micmac I’m not a part of your tribe. Otherwise, I can be your supporter, client, customer, and even in your network.

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Wordy Wednesday: Personal Blogs

I’ve been reading a few personal blogs. One is the blog of a woman I went to college with but didn’t know, after all UMaine was a big school, we played high school softball against each other, that is not my point. I’ve been reading these highly personal blogs of people I don’t know well that detail things like the personal aspects of their lives, their kids, intense situations and frankly they occasionally make me uncomfortable. They give lots of details, location and photos of their homes, pictures of their kids, and a lot of family life details.

You see, I used to keep a blog similar and I had a stalker. Having a stalker isn’t fun, it’s pretty scary and getting things finished can be hard. I’m lucky in that my stalker* lived 3000 miles away from my then location. I’m much more careful with giving out details online. I don’t post pictures of the exterior of my house, and certainly not one where you can see the street number. I only post pics of my office and my studio.

I feel uncomfortable in the same way I used to feel when I read perzines. Stuff needs to be shared but sometimes it’s too much. A blog isn’t a diary, scrapbook or art journal it’s a public place, where people of all persuasions can read and comment or worse yet read but not comment. They can download your pictures, figure out where you live, find your eBay auctions and soon enough know where you live. A few miscreants ruin the internet for the rest of us.

On the good side of it, it’s fun to see that my people are the same, similar interests, and family life seems to be alike.  It’s comforting to see that people grow age and mature into better people and raise kids with values. Now that I’ve affirmed that I’m mostly normal I’m going to cut back on my reading, I feel creepy.

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Technique Tuesday: A To Do List and Watercolor

This journal is made of strathmore 140# watercolor paper with a cold pressed finish. On these 2 pages I wrote with Rapidocraft pens and then washed watercolors over the top. ON the right side you can see a working to do list, items written on and crossed off as I planned for my vacation. This is the way I keep a lot of my art journals.

image from

Technique Tuesday: Poster Marker

This image is a little different from the stuff you usually see me post. It's a fat load of writing. The paper is 140# Strathmore cold pressed watercolor paper. It's got a nice texture, handles a variety of media well, and survives abuse. It's also thick enough that alcohol inks don't soak through too easily. IN this case I've covered the ENTIRE left hand page with one of those fat red marks-a-lot poster markers with a inch wide nib. The page smelled incredibly bad for days. I don't recomend this treatment if you don't like the small of sharpies.

After that I used a variety of pens to write on the surface. I also applied watercolors over the top. On the right hand page I wrote the word red with the poster marker and then used rubbing alcohol to blend the edges. After that I added yellow watercolor and then wrote.

These are simple pages but were fun and effective.

image from

Interested in a Guest Review or Technique Tuesday Spot?

Are you interested in doing a guest blog post for Technique Tuesday or a Thursday Review? Hit me up with an email ( pitching your post and I’ll get back to you ASAP letting you know if I think it’ll fit. (Hint keep it AJ related and avoid pink…) My goal is to have one guest Technique Tuesday post per month and maybe the same with the reviews. For reviews I’d love to have someone who has a book I haven’t read or a product I don’t use review it for the blog. Again send me an email and I’ll get back to you.

UStream Monday: Midori Traveler Knock-off Supply List

I’ll be streaming this live on my Ustream channel Monday 1/10/11 at 6pm EST.

If you want to follow along here are the materials:

  • A 9x12inch piece of 4 ounce or heavier leather.  Don’t get upholstery leather unless you want to back it.
  • Ruler
  • Hole Punch or Awl
  • Exacto or Click Knife
  • Hammer
  • Eyelets and setting tool (not absolutely necessary
  • Thin elastic cord- 2 pieces one 33 inches and one 12 inches
  • Sharpie for marking where to cut.

You’ll need to cut a 9×12 inch piece of leather. If you have a leather shop in your area most likely they can cut a chunk for you. You can also look for heavier leather on eBay. I’ve seen a few sellers on there selling exactly the kind of leather you’ll need for this. Try looking for latigo leather or Leather 4 oz. You’ll find something. You can also contact a shop and see if they will cut a piece to size for you.

Find the center of each long side. We’ll be punching a hole at the top and bottom of the piece as well as a hole in the very middle of the leather. Then 2 more holes 1/8th of an inch from the first hole. Then one to lace through.  This will make sense in the video.

After that we’ll use a few eyelets to support the holes and then thread the cord through the holes.

The 9×12 size is perfect for a moleskine cahier in the 6×9 size or my handmade jotters. I’ve also successfully carried the manuscript for my book stapled in a corner, folded in half then threaded under the elastic. Protects and holds it all together. It holds 3 elastics to hold notebooks.

Now keep in mind I’ve never seen a midori traveler in person, this is my version of their product from looking at online images. I use it primarily to hold all the handwritten notes in the various notebooks together in one place as well as my planner. I don’t know how their threading works.

Some ideas to add to this: if one wanted a stiffer back cover, a pocket could be sewn in and a piece of stiff card stuck in it. Backing the leather could add to the stiffness. I like the raw leather I’ve used as I can run acrylic paint into it to get a nice color change. The size of this can be adapted to ANY size notebook. Want one for a pocket sized? Measure the cover size, double then add an inch and a half  to get the long side. For the short side add a half inch. (3×5 would get a 5.5×7.5 cover piece)

Anyway tune into the show tomorrow night, or if you can’t make it watch the video!

See the video here: