Tell me this guy’s work isn’t awesome?
you can’t can you? I knew it!
So I usually let wordy wednesday posts gowithout an image. But Last night I was writing in my journal and doing some slooooow journaling and I came up with this:
This little nugget of mental wisdom came to me as I wrote down my thoughts and an incident that I'm rying to figure out the best way to describe for a loooong blog post. It deals with positivity and negativity and how people interact around the things we love. And I san't seem to find hte right words. Eventually I'll figure it out but until then you get the picture above!
So I did a satirical drawing of someone.
This is not unusual.
I posted about it on FB and a friend messaged me to let me know some of my info might not be right. So I asked her to fully explain.
I decided to wait until I heard back from her to post my drawing-a-day from yesterday.
Why? Sometimes it's not time to draw the guns until they are needed. (That'll be another drawing a day subject!) So I'm waiting until a descision is made before I publish my piece.
I stand by the quote I was given, that part is true. But posting at this juncture will do no good. So, in a week or 2 the drawing will go up.
Am I censoring myself? Yes. But, for right now it's for the good of the cause.
Normally my satrical work is less in the middle of the issues than this piece. In this case the final descision hasn't been made and posting the image in question, while I certainly don't think it will sway the choices the board makes, certainly won't garner the group any favor.
I bite my tongue.
I’m removing this image until I get confirmation that my info is correct. I shoudl know by this evening . I intend the piece to be satirical and thus want to be sure that my info is correct and not misinformational.Sorry for the inconvienence.
“the Big Bad GSA” measures A5 or 5.75×7.5 inches. I did a quick sketch with pencil and then used a couple of fountain pens filled with Noodler’s Black, Nikita and Eternal Brown.
"Smoking Kills" measures A5 or 5.75×7.5 inches. I did a quick sketch with pencil and then used a couple of fountain pens filled with Noodler's Black, Nikita and Eternal Brown.
Cost is $25 USD, shipping to CONUS included.
A little story about this image. I don't smoke. Every piece of trash that is tossed onto my street blows into my yard. I have found parliment, kool and various other cigarette packages in my yard, along with a plethora of butts. I dutifully clean this shit up on my days off from work. I hate smoking. My grandfather died of lung cancer which was directly linked to his 3 pack a day smoking habit. I look at my having to clean up cigarette butts as some sort of evil eff you from the universe.
I also have to clean up styrofoam Dunkin Donuts cups, paper bags from McDonalds and Dunks, assorted lids from take away places. My neighbor's recycling tends to blow out of their recycling bins as they aren't secured. This all ends up in my yard in some weird wind vortex of recycling hell.
“Money & Power” measures A5 or 5.75×7.5 inches. I did a quick sketch with pencil and then used a couple of fountain pens filled with Noodler’s Black.
Cost is $25 USD, shipping to CONUS included.
Originally uploaded by crackthesky17
So true. Sometimes a simple page is the best page to get what you're thinking onto the paper.